A Check for Nagios or Icinga to analyze log files.
Check_logmultiline searches log files message by message. It saves its state in a state file to scan only new lines in a log file.
- Multiline log messages (detected by user defined regex pattern)
- Multiple log files
- Rotating log files
- Multiple warning and critical patterns
- Keep messages and its status for user defined duration
The provides executable for Linux is a static build and has no dependencies. Thus it should run on all Linux versions.
Other builds are not fully static. You might need a more recent version of these OSs.
check_logmultiline [OPTIONS] --file <file>...
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-c, --criticalpattern <criticalpattern>... Regex pattern to trigger a CRITICAL problem
-f, --file <file>...
Log file to analyze. Append ':<filenamepattern>' to specify rotated files.
-k, --keepstatus <keepstatus> Remember WARNINGs and CRITICALs for this duration
-l, --line <linepattern> Pattern to detect new lines
-s, --statefile <statefile> File to save the processing state in from run to run
-w, --warningpattern <warningpattern>... Regex pattern to trigger a WARNING problem
Check for a specific pattern of Java stacktraces in log files:
check_logmultiline -f /var/log/someapp.log -l '^\[.*?\] [\da-f]{8} ' -c 'java\.lang\.OutOfMemoryError'
Check every line in rotating log files:
check_logmultiline -f '/var/log/someapp.log:^someapp\.\d\.log' -c 'java\.lang\.OutOfMemoryError'
To use it in Icinga 2 you have to define a new command like this:
object CheckCommand "logmultiline" {
command = [ "/opt/check_logmultiline" ]
arguments = {
"-f" = {
value = "$logmultiline_file$"
required = true
"-l" = {
value = "$logmultiline_line$"
"-k" = {
value = "$logmultiline_keepstatus$"
"-s" = {
value = "$logmultiline_statefile$"
"-w" = {
value = "$logmultiline_warningpattern$"
"-c" = {
value = "$logmultiline_criticalpattern$"
You only need Rust edition 2018 (version >= 1.31). And run:
cargo build --release
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
This complies with the license terms of Rust and all dependencies used here.