A python script that creates a set of NFTs with metadata, along with adding in customization for the user. Based mostly on Edward Jones' own script, which you can find here:'https://betterprogramming.pub/create-your-own-nft-collection-with-python-82af40abf99f'
Requires the following libraries: PIL, IPython
- Created finalizeImages function, which assembles all images in the array passed through and dumps the data from that array into a json file
- Added all_images_unique function to verify if all images generated are unique
- Added "Animation" key to "attributes" in token mapping
- Created createIncompatibles, catchIncompatibles, newImage functions
- Added incompatible_active variable to determine whether or not to look for incompatibles
- Added default categories to newImage function (Will be changed in the future!)
- Created getWeights function to prompt user for weights and store those values in a returned array
- Created total_images variable where user prompt for nft amount given by user is stored
- Created function getAssets to retrieve an array of objects with certain values based on the ./Assets directory
- Created function getAssetKeys to retrieve keys from each object in the getAssets array