A simple tool to calculate the overall performance of an investment portfolio.
See http://buchen.github.com/portfolio/ for more details.
Mac OS X / Linux
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1g -XX:MaxPermSize=500m"
set MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1g -XX:MaxPermSize=500m"
Run Maven 3.0.x in the 'portfolio-app' directory:
mvn clean install
To develop, use Eclipse Kepler plus the Plug-in Development Tools (PDT).
Clone the git repository.
Import projects by
- selecting "Import Projects..." on the Git repository in the Git perspective
- choosing "File" > "Import..." > "Existing Projects into Workspace" from the menu
After importing the Portfolio Performance projects in Eclipse, they will not compile due to missing dependencies: the target platform is missing.
Run Maven once in the 'portfolio-app' directory with the following parameter:
mvn clean install -Dgenerate-target-platform=true
- Open the portfolio-app project
- Open the ide-target-platform/portfolio-ide.target file (this may take a while as it requires Internet access)
- In the resulting editor, click on the "Set as Target Platform" link at the top right (this may also take a while)
- Open the portfolio-product project
- Open the name.abuchen.portfolio.product file
- In the resulting editor, click on the "Launch an Eclipse application" link
To run the unit tests
- Right click on the name.abuchen.portfolio.tests project
- Choose "Run As..." -> "JUnit Plug-in Test".
Eclipse Public License http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html