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Merge pull request #27 from potassco/nico/fragments
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nrueh authored Nov 29, 2024
2 parents 6cebacb + ddb9d45 commit 018d3f3
Showing 11 changed files with 360 additions and 302 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/content/
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Fact format of instances
# Fact format of instances (outdated)
The instances are generated automatically by parsing a COOM file.
We describe here the ASP fact format used for the translation.
We prefix every predicate by `coom_` to make distinguish the predicates here
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions doc/content/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# COOM language fragments
As covered by our encodings

## **COOM core**
### Configuration tree / Product hierarchy
- Root is `product` with features
- Every feature has cardinality 1
- Only features allowed are `enumeration`
- which can have `attribute`

### Constraints
- `behavior`
- `require` and `require` with single `condition` (both not nested)
- Binary comparison operators: `=`, `!=`, `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`
- Unary logical operators: `!`, `()`
- Binary logical operators: `||`, `&&`
- *Example*: `require ! (color = Red && size = XXL)`
- `combinations`
- only `allow`
- `forbid` not yet implemented
- table entries can be tuples
- wildcard `-*-` supported

## COOM[P]
Everything from **COOM core** plus

### Configuration tree / Product hierarchy
- Features can have cardinalities (`0..1 Basket basket`)
- No open cardinalities
- Features can also be `structure`

### Constraints
- Constraints can be specified locally for a structure, eg. `behavior Bag {...}`
- This enables longer path expressions, eg. `carrier.bag.capacity.volume`

## COOM[X]
Everything from **COOM[P]** plus

### Configuration tree / Product hierarchy
- Features can be numeric, eg. `num .#/g 1-10000 totalWeight`
- no open ranges
- number of decimals and SI units have no effect

### Constraints
- Aggregate functions (`count`, `sum`, `min`, `max`)
- Arithmetics
- Unary: `()`, `+`, `-`
- Binary: `+`, `-`, `*`
- no support yet for `/` and `^`
- fclingo only supports linear calculations (no multiplication of two variables)

## Future work
- Open cardinalities
- Open numeric intervals
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ line-length = 120
max-line-length = 120

max-args = 10
max-args = 6
max-positional-arguments = 6
max-attributes = 8
max-bool-expr = 5
max-branches = 12
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/coomsuite/encodings/base/fclingo/formulas.lp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -22,5 +22,4 @@ defined(F) :- binary(F,X1,_,X2), &df{X1}, &df{X2}.
% Only linear constraints are supported
&sus{ XL*N } =: F :- binary(F,XL,"*",XR), number(XR,N).
&sus{ XR*N } =: F :- binary(F,XL,"*",XR), number(XL,N).
% TODO: Is division possible in fclingo?
% TODO: Add more arithmetics (division and power)
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/coomsuite/encodings/base/structure.lp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ include("root").
% Generate include predicates for objects
{ include(X) : type(X,_) }.

% Always include minimal number of objects (no optimizations currently)
% Always include minimal number of objects
% Commented out because we wanted to include no optimizations currently
% include(X) :- feature(C,_,T,Min,_), type(X,T), index(X,I), I < Min,
% parent(X,P), include(P), type(P,C).

% Do not include an object if their parent is not included
% Do not include an object if its parent is not included
:- include(X), parent(X,P), not include(P).

% Indices in ascending order
299 changes: 4 additions & 295 deletions src/coomsuite/encodings/preprocess.lp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,295 +1,4 @@
%%% Instantiate complete instance tree
% Root is always included
type_aux((),"product") :- coom_structure("product").

% Create auxiliary predicate for every feature
type_aux((F,(X,I)),T) :- coom_feature(Ctx,F,T,_,Max), type_aux(X,Ctx), I = 0..Max-1, T != "num".
type_aux((F,(X,I)),@join(Ctx,F)) :- coom_feature(Ctx,F,"num",_,Max), type_aux(X,Ctx), I = 0..Max-1.

% Create auxiliary prediate for attribute variables
type_aux((A,(X,0)),A) :- type_aux(X,T), coom_enumeration(T), coom_attribute_value(T,_,A,_).

%%% Constraints
% Get formula context
formula_context(F,Ctx) :- coom_binary(F,_,_,_), coom_require(C,F), coom_context(C,Ctx).
formula_context(F,Ctx) :- coom_binary(F,_,_,_), coom_condition(C,F), coom_context(C,Ctx).
formula_context(F,Ctx) :- coom_binary(F,_,_,_), coom_imply(C,_,F), coom_context(C,Ctx).

formula_context(F,Ctx) :- coom_unary(F,_,_), coom_require(C,F), coom_context(C,Ctx).
formula_context(F,Ctx) :- coom_unary(F,_,_), coom_condition(C,F), coom_context(C,Ctx).
formula_context(F,Ctx) :- coom_unary(F,_,_), coom_imply(C,_,F), coom_context(C,Ctx).

formula_context(L,Ctx) :- coom_binary(L,_,_,_), coom_binary(F,L,_,_), formula_context(F,Ctx).
formula_context(R,Ctx) :- coom_binary(R,_,_,_), coom_binary(F,_,_,R), formula_context(F,Ctx).

formula_context(L,Ctx) :- coom_unary(L,_,_), coom_binary(F,L,_,_), formula_context(F,Ctx).
formula_context(R,Ctx) :- coom_unary(R,_,_), coom_binary(F,_,_,R), formula_context(F,Ctx).

formula_context(F',Ctx) :- coom_binary(F',_,_,_), coom_unary(F,_,F'), formula_context(F,Ctx).
formula_context(F',Ctx) :- coom_unary(F',_,_), coom_unary(F,_,F'), formula_context(F,Ctx).

% Instantiate paths
path_start(X,P) :- coom_binary(F,P,_,_), coom_path(P,0,_), type_aux(X,Ctx), formula_context(F,Ctx).
path_start(X,P) :- coom_binary(F,_,_,P), coom_path(P,0,_), type_aux(X,Ctx), formula_context(F,Ctx).
path_start(X,P) :- coom_unary(F,_,P), coom_path(P,0,_), type_aux(X,Ctx), formula_context(F,Ctx).
path_start(X,P) :- coom_combinations(C,_,P), coom_path(P,0,_), type_aux(X,Ctx), coom_context(C,Ctx).
path_start(X,P) :- coom_function(Ctx,_,_,P), coom_path(P,0,_), type_aux(X,Ctx).
path_start(X,P) :- coom_imply(C,P,_), coom_path(P,0,_), type_aux(X,Ctx), coom_context(C,Ctx).

% Determine all ground paths
path_to(X,P,0,X') :- coom_path(P,0,N),
path_start(X,P), type_aux(X',_), X' =(N,(X,_)).
path_to(X,P,I,X'') :- coom_path(P,I,N),
path_to(X,P,I-1,X'), type_aux(X'',_), X''=(N,(X',_)).

path_to(X,P,@dotpath(X')) :- not coom_path(P,I+1,_), path_to(X,P,I,X').

% Constants and numbers
path_to(X,P,P) :- coom_binary(F,_,_,P), coom_constant(P), formula_context(F,T), type_aux(X,T).
path_to(X,P,P) :- coom_binary(F,P,_,_), coom_constant(P), formula_context(F,T), type_aux(X,T).
path_to(X,P,P) :- coom_binary(F,_,_,P), coom_number(P,_), formula_context(F,T), type_aux(X,T).
path_to(X,P,P) :- coom_binary(F,P,_,_), coom_number(P,_), formula_context(F,T), type_aux(X,T).

% Instantiate binaries and unaries
binary(X,F,@binary(XL,Op,XR),XL,Op,XR) :- coom_binary(F,L,Op,R),
type_aux(X,C), path_to(X,L,XL), path_to(X,R,XR).

unary(X,F,@unary(X',Op),Op,X') :- coom_unary(F,Op,F'),
type_aux(X,C), path_to(X,F',X').

ground_formula(X,F,G) :- binary(X,F,G,_,_,_).
ground_formula(X,F,G) :- unary(X,F,G,_,_).

% Default binaries for arithmetics if one side is undefined
% TODO: Does this always give desired behavior?
ground_formula(X,F,XL) :- coom_binary(F,L,"+",R),
type_aux(X,C), path_to(X,L,XL), not path_to(X,R,_).

ground_formula(X,F,XR) :- coom_binary(F,L,"+",R),
type_aux(X,C), not path_to(X,L,_), path_to(X,R,XR).

% Instantiate functions
function(X,F,T,P) :- coom_function(C,F,T,P), type_aux(X,C).

% Auxiliary paths for formulas and functions
path_to(X,F,G) :- ground_formula(X,F,G).
path_to(X,F,@function(T,X,P)) :- function(X,F,T,P).

% Auxiliary paths for cardinalities
path_to(X,N,@dotpath(X')) :- coom_feature(Ctx,N,_,_,_), type_aux(X,Ctx), type_aux(X',_), X' =(N,(X,_)).
path_to(X,A,@dotpath(X')) :- coom_attribute(T,A,_), type_aux(X,T), type_aux(X',_), X' =(A,(X,_)).

% Instantiate conditional requirements
conditional_requirement(C,G,G') :- coom_context(C,Ctx), coom_condition(C,F), ground_formula(X,F,G),
type_aux(X,Ctx), coom_require(C,F'), ground_formula(X,F',G').

% Instantiate combination tables
table(C,X) :- coom_combinations(C,_,_), coom_context(C,Ctx), type_aux(X,Ctx).

combinations_tuple((C,Ctx),Col,(X,())) :- table(C,Ctx),
coom_combinations(C,Col,P), not coom_combinations(C,Col+1,_),
combinations_tuple((C,Ctx),Col,(X',X)) :- combinations_tuple((C,Ctx),Col+1,X),
coom_combinations(C,Col,P), Col >= 0,
combinations_tuple(C,CT) :- combinations_tuple(C,0,CT).

tuple_order(C,CT,ID) :- combinations_tuple(C,CT), ID = #count{ CT': combinations_tuple(C,CT'), CT'<CT }.

in_tuple((X,CT'),CT',X) :- combinations_tuple(_,CT), CT=(X,CT').
in_tuple(CT,CT',X) :- in_tuple(CT,(X,CT'),_).
in_tuple(CT,X) :- in_tuple(CT,_,X).

% Instantiate imply statements
imply(C,X',G) :- coom_imply(C,P,F), coom_context(C,Ctx), type_aux(X,Ctx), path_to(X,P,X'), ground_formula(X,F,G).
imply(C,X',@function(T,X,P')) :- coom_imply(C,P,F), coom_context(C,Ctx), type_aux(X,Ctx), path_to(X,P,X'), function(X,F,T,P').

% Instantiate attribute constraints
attribute_constraint((T,X)) :- coom_attribute(T,_,_), type(X,T).
attribute_constraint_column(T,Col+1,A) :- coom_attribute(T,A,_), Col = #count{ A' : coom_attribute(T,A',_), A' < A }.

% Instantiate cardinality constraints
cardinality_aux(X,N,Min) :- coom_feature(C,N,_,Min,_), type_aux(X,C).
cardinality_aux(X,A,1) :- coom_attribute(T,A,_), type_aux(X,T).

% Always include boolean enumeration
coom_option("bool", "True").
coom_option("bool", "False").

%%% Output atoms
% Attributes of the model (enumerations and numeric features in COOM)
discrete(T) :- coom_enumeration(T).
domain(T,V) :- coom_option(T,V).

% Enumeration attributes
discrete(@join(T,A)) :- coom_attribute(T,A,"str").
domain(@join(T,A),V) :- coom_attribute_value(T,_,A,V), coom_attribute(T,A,"str").

integer(@join(T,A)) :- coom_attribute(T,A,"num"), not discrete.
range(@join(T,A),Min,Max) :- coom_attribute(T,A,"num"), not discrete,
Min = #min { V: coom_attribute_value(T,_,A,V) },
Max = #max { V: coom_attribute_value(T,_,A,V) }.

% Temporary fix: For clingo, huge ranges might make grounding to large, translate numeric attributes to discrete attributes
discrete(@join(T,A)) :- coom_attribute(T,A,"num"), discrete.
domain(@join(T,A),V) :- coom_attribute_value(T,_,A,V), coom_attribute(T,A,"num"), discrete.

% Numeric features
integer(@join(Ctx,N)) :- coom_feature(Ctx,N,"num",_,_).
range(@join(Ctx,N),Min,Max) :- coom_feature(Ctx,N,"num",_,_), coom_range(Ctx,N,Min,Max).

#show discrete/1.
#show domain/2.

#show integer/1.
#show range/3.

% Instances (of structures, enumerations and attributes in COOM)
type("root","product") :- coom_structure("product").

type(@dotpath(X),T) :- type_aux(X,T), not coom_attribute(_,T,_).
type(@dotpath(X),@join(T,A)) :- type_aux(X,A), coom_attribute(T,A,_), type_aux(P,T), X=(_,(P,_)).

index(@dotpath(X),Idx) :- type_aux(X,T), X=((_,(_,Idx))).
parent(@dotpath(X),@dotpath(P)) :- type_aux(X,_), X=(_,(P,_)).

#show type/2.
#show index/2.
#show parent/2.

%%% Constraints
% Formulas
constraint((C,G),"boolean") :- coom_require(C,F), ground_formula(_,F,G), not coom_condition(C,_).

constraint((C,@implication(Con,Req)),"boolean") :- conditional_requirement(C,Con,Req).
binary(@implication(Con,Req),@neg(Con),"||",Req) :- conditional_requirement(_,Con,Req).
unary(@neg(Con),"!",Con) :- conditional_requirement(_,Con,Req).

binary(G,L,Op,R) :- binary(_,_,G,L,Op,R).
unary(G,Op,F) :- unary(_,_,G,Op,F).

#show constraint/2.
#show binary/4.
#show unary/3.

% Table constraints
constraint((C,@dotpath(X)),"table") :- table(C,X).
column((C,@dotpath(X)),ID,Col,@dotpath(X')) :- coom_combinations(C,Col,P),
path_to(X,P,X'), in_tuple(CT,X'), tuple_order((C,X),CT,ID).
allow(C,XY,V) :- coom_allow(C,XY,V).

#show column/4.
#show allow/3.

% Attribute constraints
% table constraint guarantees that correct values are assigned to enumeration attributes
constraint(C,"table") :- attribute_constraint(C).
column((T,X),0,0,X) :- attribute_constraint((T,X)).
column((T,P),0,Col,X) :- attribute_constraint((T,P)), parent(X,P), type(X,@join(T,A)), attribute_constraint_column(T,Col,A).

allow(T,(0,I),O) :- attribute_constraint((T,_)), coom_option(T,O), I = #count{ O' : coom_option(T,O'), O' < O}.
allow(T,(Col,Row),V) :- attribute_constraint((T,_)), allow(T,(0,Row),O), coom_attribute_value(T,O,A,V), attribute_constraint_column(T,Col,A).

% Imply statements
constraint((C,@binary(X',"=",G)),"boolean") :- imply(C,X',G).
binary(@binary(X',"=",G),X',"=",G) :- imply(C,X',G).

% Functions
function(@function(T,X,P),T,@join(X,P)) :- function(X,_,T,P).
set(@join(X,P),X') :- function(X,_,_,P), path_to(X,P,X').

#show function/3.
#show set/2.

% Partonomy and cardinality constraints
part(T) :- coom_structure(T).

constraint((@join(X,N),Min),"lowerbound") :- cardinality_aux(X,N,Min).
set(@join(X,N),X') :- cardinality_aux(X,N,_), path_to(X,N,X').

#show part/1.

% Constants and numbers
constant(C) :- coom_constant(C).
number(C,N) :- coom_number(C,N).

#show constant/1.
#show number/2.

% Python helper functions
#script (python)
from clingo import String, SymbolType
import math

def dotpath(path):
if path.type in (SymbolType.String, SymbolType.Number):
return path
path = unpack(path, [])
return String(".".join(["root"]+[f"{p[0]}[{p[1]}]" for p in path]))

def unpack(p, l):
Recursively unpacks a nested path expression into a list of tuples.
if str(p) != "()":
t = (p.arguments[0].string, str(p.arguments[1].arguments[1].number))
l.insert(0, t)
unpack(p.arguments[1].arguments[0], l)
return l

def binary(l,op,r):
return String(f"{l.string}{op.string}{r.string}")

def unary(f,op):
if op.string == "()":
return String(f"({f.string})")
return String(f"{op.string}{f.string}")

def join(p1,p2):
context = dotpath(p1).string
if context == "":
return p2
return String(f"{context}.{p2.string}")

def function(f,c,p):
joined = join(c,p).string
return String(f"{f.string}({joined})")

def implication(a,b):
return String(f"{neg(a).string}||{b.string}")

def neg(a):
return String(f"!{a.string}")

#defined coom_structure/1.
#defined coom_feature/5.
#defined coom_range/4.
#defined coom_enumeration/1.
#defined coom_option/2.
#defined coom_attribute/3.
#defined coom_attribute_value/4.

#defined coom_behavior/1.
#defined coom_context/2.
#defined coom_require/2.
#defined coom_condition/2.
#defined coom_combinations/3.
#defined coom_allow/3.
#defined coom_binary/4.
#defined coom_path/3.
#defined coom_constant/1.
#defined coom_number/2.

#defined coom_function/4.
#defined coom_imply/3.
#include "preprocess/instantiate.lp".
#include "preprocess/output.lp".
#include "preprocess/python.lp".
#include "preprocess/defined.lp".
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/coomsuite/encodings/preprocess/defined.lp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#defined coom_structure/1.
#defined coom_feature/5.
#defined coom_range/4.
#defined coom_enumeration/1.
#defined coom_option/2.
#defined coom_attribute/3.
#defined coom_attribute_value/4.

#defined coom_behavior/1.
#defined coom_context/2.
#defined coom_require/2.
#defined coom_condition/2.
#defined coom_combinations/3.
#defined coom_allow/3.
#defined coom_binary/4.
#defined coom_unary/3.
#defined coom_path/3.
#defined coom_constant/1.
#defined coom_number/2.

#defined coom_function/4.
#defined coom_imply/3.
124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions src/coomsuite/encodings/preprocess/instantiate.lp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
%%% Instantiate complete instance tree
% Root is always included
type_aux((),"product") :- coom_structure("product").

% Create auxiliary predicate for every feature
type_aux((F,(X,I)),T) :- coom_feature(Ctx,F,T,_,Max), type_aux(X,Ctx), I = 0..Max-1, T != "num".
type_aux((F,(X,I)),@join(Ctx,F)) :- coom_feature(Ctx,F,"num",_,Max), type_aux(X,Ctx), I = 0..Max-1.

% Create auxiliary prediate for attribute variables
type_aux((A,(X,0)),A) :- type_aux(X,T), coom_enumeration(T), coom_attribute_value(T,_,A,_).

%%% Constraints
% Get formula context
formula_context(F,Ctx) :- coom_binary(F,_,_,_), coom_require(C,F), coom_context(C,Ctx).
formula_context(F,Ctx) :- coom_binary(F,_,_,_), coom_condition(C,F), coom_context(C,Ctx).
formula_context(F,Ctx) :- coom_binary(F,_,_,_), coom_imply(C,_,F), coom_context(C,Ctx).

formula_context(F,Ctx) :- coom_unary(F,_,_), coom_require(C,F), coom_context(C,Ctx).
formula_context(F,Ctx) :- coom_unary(F,_,_), coom_condition(C,F), coom_context(C,Ctx).
formula_context(F,Ctx) :- coom_unary(F,_,_), coom_imply(C,_,F), coom_context(C,Ctx).

formula_context(L,Ctx) :- coom_binary(L,_,_,_), coom_binary(F,L,_,_), formula_context(F,Ctx).
formula_context(R,Ctx) :- coom_binary(R,_,_,_), coom_binary(F,_,_,R), formula_context(F,Ctx).

formula_context(L,Ctx) :- coom_unary(L,_,_), coom_binary(F,L,_,_), formula_context(F,Ctx).
formula_context(R,Ctx) :- coom_unary(R,_,_), coom_binary(F,_,_,R), formula_context(F,Ctx).

formula_context(F',Ctx) :- coom_binary(F',_,_,_), coom_unary(F,_,F'), formula_context(F,Ctx).
formula_context(F',Ctx) :- coom_unary(F',_,_), coom_unary(F,_,F'), formula_context(F,Ctx).

% Instantiate paths
path_start(X,P) :- coom_binary(F,P,_,_), coom_path(P,0,_), type_aux(X,Ctx), formula_context(F,Ctx).
path_start(X,P) :- coom_binary(F,_,_,P), coom_path(P,0,_), type_aux(X,Ctx), formula_context(F,Ctx).
path_start(X,P) :- coom_unary(F,_,P), coom_path(P,0,_), type_aux(X,Ctx), formula_context(F,Ctx).
path_start(X,P) :- coom_combinations(C,_,P), coom_path(P,0,_), type_aux(X,Ctx), coom_context(C,Ctx).
path_start(X,P) :- coom_function(Ctx,_,_,P), coom_path(P,0,_), type_aux(X,Ctx).
path_start(X,P) :- coom_imply(C,P,_), coom_path(P,0,_), type_aux(X,Ctx), coom_context(C,Ctx).

% Determine all ground paths
path_to(X,P,0,X') :- coom_path(P,0,N),
path_start(X,P), type_aux(X',_), X' =(N,(X,_)).
path_to(X,P,I,X'') :- coom_path(P,I,N),
path_to(X,P,I-1,X'), type_aux(X'',_), X''=(N,(X',_)).

path_to(X,P,@dotpath(X')) :- not coom_path(P,I+1,_), path_to(X,P,I,X').

% Constants and numbers
path_to(X,P,P) :- coom_binary(F,_,_,P), coom_constant(P), formula_context(F,T), type_aux(X,T).
path_to(X,P,P) :- coom_binary(F,P,_,_), coom_constant(P), formula_context(F,T), type_aux(X,T).
path_to(X,P,P) :- coom_binary(F,_,_,P), coom_number(P,_), formula_context(F,T), type_aux(X,T).
path_to(X,P,P) :- coom_binary(F,P,_,_), coom_number(P,_), formula_context(F,T), type_aux(X,T).

% Instantiate binaries and unaries
binary(X,F,@binary(XL,Op,XR),XL,Op,XR) :- coom_binary(F,L,Op,R),
type_aux(X,C), path_to(X,L,XL), path_to(X,R,XR).

unary(X,F,@unary(X',Op),Op,X') :- coom_unary(F,Op,F'),
type_aux(X,C), path_to(X,F',X').

ground_formula(X,F,G) :- binary(X,F,G,_,_,_).
ground_formula(X,F,G) :- unary(X,F,G,_,_).

% Default binaries for arithmetics if one side is undefined
% TODO: Does this always give desired behavior?
ground_formula(X,F,XL) :- coom_binary(F,L,"+",R),
type_aux(X,C), path_to(X,L,XL), not path_to(X,R,_).

ground_formula(X,F,XR) :- coom_binary(F,L,"+",R),
type_aux(X,C), not path_to(X,L,_), path_to(X,R,XR).

% Instantiate functions
function(X,F,T,P) :- coom_function(C,F,T,P), type_aux(X,C).

% Auxiliary paths for formulas and functions
path_to(X,F,G) :- ground_formula(X,F,G).
path_to(X,F,@function(T,X,P)) :- function(X,F,T,P).

% Auxiliary paths for cardinalities
path_to(X,N,@dotpath(X')) :- coom_feature(Ctx,N,_,_,_), type_aux(X,Ctx), type_aux(X',_), X' =(N,(X,_)).
path_to(X,A,@dotpath(X')) :- coom_attribute(T,A,_), type_aux(X,T), type_aux(X',_), X' =(A,(X,_)).

% Instantiate conditional requirements
conditional_requirement(C,G,G') :- coom_context(C,Ctx), coom_condition(C,F), ground_formula(X,F,G),
type_aux(X,Ctx), coom_require(C,F'), ground_formula(X,F',G').

% Instantiate combination tables
table(C,X) :- coom_combinations(C,_,_), coom_context(C,Ctx), type_aux(X,Ctx).

combinations_tuple((C,Ctx),Col,(X,())) :- table(C,Ctx),
coom_combinations(C,Col,P), not coom_combinations(C,Col+1,_),
combinations_tuple((C,Ctx),Col,(X',X)) :- combinations_tuple((C,Ctx),Col+1,X),
coom_combinations(C,Col,P), Col >= 0,
combinations_tuple(C,CT) :- combinations_tuple(C,0,CT).

tuple_order(C,CT,ID) :- combinations_tuple(C,CT), ID = #count{ CT': combinations_tuple(C,CT'), CT'<CT }.

in_tuple((X,CT'),CT',X) :- combinations_tuple(_,CT), CT=(X,CT').
in_tuple(CT,CT',X) :- in_tuple(CT,(X,CT'),_).
in_tuple(CT,X) :- in_tuple(CT,_,X).

% Instantiate imply statements
imply(C,X',G) :- coom_imply(C,P,F), coom_context(C,Ctx), type_aux(X,Ctx), path_to(X,P,X'), ground_formula(X,F,G).
imply(C,X',@function(T,X,P')) :- coom_imply(C,P,F), coom_context(C,Ctx), type_aux(X,Ctx), path_to(X,P,X'), function(X,F,T,P').

% Instantiate attribute constraints
attribute_constraint((T,X)) :- coom_attribute(T,_,_), type(X,T).
attribute_constraint_column(T,Col+1,A) :- coom_attribute(T,A,_), Col = #count{ A' : coom_attribute(T,A',_), A' < A }.

% Instantiate cardinality constraints
cardinality_aux(X,N,Min) :- coom_feature(C,N,_,Min,_), type_aux(X,C).
cardinality_aux(X,A,1) :- coom_attribute(T,A,_), type_aux(X,T).

% Always include boolean enumeration
coom_option("bool", "True").
coom_option("bool", "False").
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions src/coomsuite/encodings/preprocess/output.lp
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%%% Output atoms
% Attributes of the model (enumerations and numeric features in COOM)
discrete(T) :- coom_enumeration(T).
domain(T,V) :- coom_option(T,V).

% Enumeration attributes
discrete(@join(T,A)) :- coom_attribute(T,A,"str").
domain(@join(T,A),V) :- coom_attribute_value(T,_,A,V), coom_attribute(T,A,"str").

integer(@join(T,A)) :- coom_attribute(T,A,"num"), not discrete.
range(@join(T,A),Min,Max) :- coom_attribute(T,A,"num"), not discrete,
Min = #min { V: coom_attribute_value(T,_,A,V) },
Max = #max { V: coom_attribute_value(T,_,A,V) }.

% Temporary fix: For clingo, huge ranges might make grounding to large, translate numeric attributes to discrete attributes
discrete(@join(T,A)) :- coom_attribute(T,A,"num"), discrete.
domain(@join(T,A),V) :- coom_attribute_value(T,_,A,V), coom_attribute(T,A,"num"), discrete.

% Numeric features
integer(@join(Ctx,N)) :- coom_feature(Ctx,N,"num",_,_).
range(@join(Ctx,N),Min,Max) :- coom_feature(Ctx,N,"num",_,_), coom_range(Ctx,N,Min,Max).

#show discrete/1.
#show domain/2.

#show integer/1.
#show range/3.

% Instances (of structures, enumerations and attributes in COOM)
type("root","product") :- coom_structure("product").

type(@dotpath(X),T) :- type_aux(X,T), not coom_attribute(_,T,_).
type(@dotpath(X),@join(T,A)) :- type_aux(X,A), coom_attribute(T,A,_), type_aux(P,T), X=(_,(P,_)).

index(@dotpath(X),Idx) :- type_aux(X,T), X=((_,(_,Idx))).
parent(@dotpath(X),@dotpath(P)) :- type_aux(X,_), X=(_,(P,_)).

#show type/2.
#show index/2.
#show parent/2.

%%% Constraints
% Formulas
constraint((C,G),"boolean") :- coom_require(C,F), ground_formula(_,F,G), not coom_condition(C,_).

constraint((C,@implication(Con,Req)),"boolean") :- conditional_requirement(C,Con,Req).
binary(@implication(Con,Req),@neg(Con),"||",Req) :- conditional_requirement(_,Con,Req).
unary(@neg(Con),"!",Con) :- conditional_requirement(_,Con,Req).

binary(G,L,Op,R) :- binary(_,_,G,L,Op,R).
unary(G,Op,F) :- unary(_,_,G,Op,F).

#show constraint/2.
#show binary/4.
#show unary/3.

% Table constraints
constraint((C,@dotpath(X)),"table") :- table(C,X).
column((C,@dotpath(X)),ID,Col,@dotpath(X')) :- coom_combinations(C,Col,P),
path_to(X,P,X'), in_tuple(CT,X'), tuple_order((C,X),CT,ID).
allow(C,XY,V) :- coom_allow(C,XY,V).

#show column/4.
#show allow/3.

% Attribute constraints
% table constraint guarantees that correct values are assigned to enumeration attributes
constraint(C,"table") :- attribute_constraint(C).
column((T,X),0,0,X) :- attribute_constraint((T,X)).
column((T,P),0,Col,X) :- attribute_constraint((T,P)), parent(X,P), type(X,@join(T,A)), attribute_constraint_column(T,Col,A).

allow(T,(0,I),O) :- attribute_constraint((T,_)), coom_option(T,O), I = #count{ O' : coom_option(T,O'), O' < O}.
allow(T,(Col,Row),V) :- attribute_constraint((T,_)), allow(T,(0,Row),O), coom_attribute_value(T,O,A,V), attribute_constraint_column(T,Col,A).

% Imply statements
constraint((C,@binary(X',"=",G)),"boolean") :- imply(C,X',G).
binary(@binary(X',"=",G),X',"=",G) :- imply(C,X',G).

% Functions
function(@function(T,X,P),T,@join(X,P)) :- function(X,_,T,P).
set(@join(X,P),X') :- function(X,_,_,P), path_to(X,P,X').

#show function/3.
#show set/2.

% Partonomy and cardinality constraints
part(T) :- coom_structure(T).

constraint((@join(X,N),Min),"lowerbound") :- cardinality_aux(X,N,Min).
set(@join(X,N),X') :- cardinality_aux(X,N,_), path_to(X,N,X').

#show part/1.

% Constants and numbers
constant(C) :- coom_constant(C).
number(C,N) :- coom_number(C,N).

#show constant/1.
#show number/2.
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% Python helper functions
#script (python)
from clingo import String, SymbolType
import math

def dotpath(path):
if path.type in (SymbolType.String, SymbolType.Number):
return path
path = unpack(path, [])
return String(".".join(["root"]+[f"{p[0]}[{p[1]}]" for p in path]))

def unpack(p, l):
Recursively unpacks a nested path expression into a list of tuples.
if str(p) != "()":
t = (p.arguments[0].string, str(p.arguments[1].arguments[1].number))
l.insert(0, t)
unpack(p.arguments[1].arguments[0], l)
return l

def binary(l,op,r):
return String(f"{l.string}{op.string}{r.string}")

def unary(f,op):
if op.string == "()":
return String(f"({f.string})")
return String(f"{op.string}{f.string}")

def join(p1,p2):
context = dotpath(p1).string
if context == "":
return p2
return String(f"{context}.{p2.string}")

def function(f,c,p):
joined = join(c,p).string
return String(f"{f.string}({joined})")

def implication(a,b):
return String(f"{neg(a).string}||{b.string}")

def neg(a):
return String(f"!{a.string}")
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/coomsuite/utils/
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@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ def get_parser() -> ArgumentParser:
The COOM suite is a package providing functionality
to parse and solve product configuration problems specified in COOM.

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