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Releases: poteto/ember-crumbly

[HOTFIX] Dependencies

29 Oct 15:12
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This patch release fixes an issue where ember-new-computed was not being installed.


27 Oct 17:28
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ember-crumbly has hit 1.0.0! It now has both backwards and forwards compatibility with Ember 1.11.x and 2.x

Squash all the bugs

21 Aug 14:20
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This bugfix release a number of bugs that were introduced into the last release.


#40 Fixed loading state not showing up in breadcrumbs – @topaxi
#41 Default last crumb linkable to be false – @abhilashlr

Bugfix Release

15 Aug 02:08
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This release fixes a number of bugs, and updates ember-cli to 1.13.8.

  • #22 linkClasses can now be specified
  • #27 Breadcrumbs now update when the route model changes – @gmurphey
  • #29 Removes EnumerableUtils – @gmurphey
  • #31 Fixes issue where custom block param causes infinite rerenders in Ember 1.13.x@gmurphey
  • #37 Update ember-cli

Reversable crumbs

31 May 19:37
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In certain scenarios, you might want to reverse the order of the breadcrumb (i.e. from RTL instead of LTR). To enable this, just set the reverse attr on the Component in your template:

{{bread-crumbs reverse=true}}

Will generate the following breadcrumb: Mary < Cows < Quadrupeds < Animals. Note that you have to style this yourself (the Component is not responsible for generating the separators).

Thanks to @truenorth for this feature.

First release

22 May 20:10
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Adds a Component to your app that displays the current route hierarchy (commonly known as breadcrumb navigation). Thanks to @rwjblue for providing the excellent addon name.

This addon provides a very declarative way to generate dynamic breadcrumbs.

$ ember install ember-crumbly