Web service for HTML to PDF (htmltopdf) conversion based on wkhtmltopdf. This service converts HTML (local - as a text, or remote - as URL) to a PDF file, and make this file accessible on the web.
git clone https://github.com/povesma/htmltopdf.git && cd htmltopdf
pip3 install -r app/requirements.txt
FLASK_APP=./app/service.py python3 -m flask run --host --port 5000
Update your host and port!
docker build -t html-to-pdf .
docker run -d -v "$(pwd)"/app/input_html:/app -v "$(pwd)"/app/files:/app -p --rm --name html-to-pdf html-to-pdf
Alternatively, you can install and run html-to-pdf right from Docker Hub:
mkdir files && mkdir input_html
docker run -d -v input_html:/app/input_html -v files:/app/files -p --rm --name html-to-pdf povesma/html-to-pdf
In this case you can skip git clone...
, but do not forget to create directories for data persistence (if you need it)
Mount file system endpoint for data persistency after restarting Docker container:
/app/files - to keep resulting PDFs
/app/input_html - to keep HTML sources that were converted to HTML
Please keep in mind, than you can only use absolute path for source directory!
Use header Content-type: application/json
send a POST HTTP request to http://your-server:5000/pdf
with JSON body like below:
"html":"<h1>Welcome!</h1><br>to HTML-2-PDF convertor!"
You will get a response with a link to your PDF in JSON format
"file": "/files/0000-22222-3333-4444-5555-6666.pdf",
"prefix": "/files/0000-22222-3333-4444-5555-6666/"
If you provide both url and html, url will prevail.
To access resulting PDF, use URL like: http://your-server:port/files/file.pdf
curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"url":"http://google.com/"}' http://localhost:5000/pdf
curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"html":"<h1>Welcome!</h1><br>to HTML-2-PDF convertor!"}' http://localhost:5000/pdf
Go to URL like http://localhost:5000/files/da78717f-e09f-413e-81f6-ab39d3351266.pdf
Go to URL like http://localhost:5000/files/da78717f-e09f-413e-81f6-ab39d3351266/your_file_name.pdf