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Migration guide v6.3.0

Olivier Perrin edited this page Mar 12, 2024 · 26 revisions

Breaking Change Breaking changes for all users

Reporter new API: ReportNode

Starting from this release, Reporter and and Report interfaces have been merged into a ReportNode interface, which contains the same features. The com.powsybl.commons.reporter package has been renamed into, hence the corresponding imports are impacted.

  • The root ReportNode can be build thanks to the builder provided by ReportNode.newRootReportNode(),
  • A ReportNode can be added within another ReportNode thanks to the adder provided by reportNode.newReportNode().

The mentioned adder and builder share the same methods, with the following correspondence to former ReportBuilder methods:

  • withMessageTemplate(String messageKey, String messageTemplate) corresponds to reportBuilder.withKey(messageKey).withDefaultMessage(messageTemplate)
  • the withTypedValue(key, value, type) methods keep the same signature as in the former ReportBuilder
  • the withUntypedValue(key, value, type) methods corresponds to reportBuilder.withValue(key, value, type)
  • withSeverity(TypedValue severity), which corresponds to reportBuilder.withSeverity(TypedValue severity)
  • withSeverity(String severity), which corresponds to reportBuilder.withSeverity(new TypedValue(severity, TypedValue.SEVERITY)

Here are some replacement examples to help you migrate:

Previously adding a report with a builder, now adding a child ReportNode with an adder
        .withDefaultMessage("New report with typed value ${typedValue}, untyped value ${untypedValue} and severity ${reportSeverity}")
        .withTypedValue("typedValue", 20, "type")
        .withValue("untypedValue", 3.)


ReportNode childReportNode = reportNode.newReportNode()
        .withMessageTemplate("keyId", "New report with typed value ${typedValue}, untyped value ${untypedValue} and severity ${reportSeverity}")
        .withTypedValue("typedValue", 20, "type")
        .withUntypedValue("untypedValue", 3.)

Include an existing reporter / reportNode in another one;



Note that the included ReportNode needs to be a root.

Previously adding a report / sub-reporter with createSubReporter / report, now adding a child ReportNode with an adder


Reporter subReporter = reporter.createSubReporter(taskKey, defaultName);

or, defaultMessage);


ReportNode childReportNode = reportNode.newReportNode()
        .withMessageTemplate(reportKey, defaultMessage)

The replacements are similar for the other Reporter::createSubReporter and Reporter::report methods.

Create a root Reporter / ReportNode

Replace the root creation

Reporter reporter = new ReporterModel(taskKey, defaultName, Maps.of(valueKey, new TypedValue(value, type)));


ReportNode rootReportNode = ReportNode.newRootReportNode()
        .withMessageTemplate(taskKey, defaultName)
        .withTypedValue(valueKey, value, type)

ReporterContext changes

As a side-effect, the ReporterContext interface has been renamed into ReportNodeContext, and all the methods have been renamed. You need to replace the call to

  • ReporterContext::peekReporter by ReportNodeContext::peekReportNode
  • ReporterContext::getReporter by ReportNodeContext::getReportNode
  • ReporterContext::pushReporter by ReportNodeContext::pushReportNode
  • ReporterContext::popReportNode by ReportNodeContext::popReportNode

The implementations have also been renamed:

  • SimpleReporterContext into SimpleReportNodeContext
  • MultiThreadReporterContext into MultiThreadReportNodeContext

Lastly, Networks::allowReporterContextMultiThreadAccess has therefore been renamed into Networks::allowReportNodeContextMultiThreadAccess.


In the LoadFlowParameters, the default value of writeSlackBus parameter is now true. This is a functional change, that could lead to differences during unit and integration tests.


New module powsybl-iidm-criteria

Some criteria used for contingency definition were moved in a dedicated new module: powsybl-iidm-criteria.

If you used the following classes, you should add the new module in your project dependencies and update your import statements:

  • previously in the com.powsybl.contingency.contingency.list.criterion package, now in com.powsybl.iidm.criteria:
    • Criterion
    • PropertyCriterion
    • RegexCriterion
    • SingleCountryCriterion
    • SingleNominalVoltageCriterion
    • ThreeNominalVoltageCriterion
    • TwoCountriesCriterion
    • TwoNominalVoltageCriterion
  • previously in the com.powsybl.contingency.json package, now in com.powsybl.iidm.criteria.json:
    • CriterionDeserializer
    • CriterionSerializer
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