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Migration guide v6.5.0

Florian Dupuy edited this page Sep 25, 2024 · 18 revisions

Breaking Change Breaking changes for all users


New DataSources interfaces

Two types of DataSources based on files now exists:

  • DirectoryDataSource (inherited by GzDirectoryDataSource, Bzip2DirectoryDataSource, ZstdDirectoryDataSource, XZDirectoryDataSource): considers files in a directory
  • AbstractArchiveDataSource (only ZipArchiveDataSource for now but a TarArchiveDataSource could be added later): considers files in an archive.

Therefore, multiple classes have changed, please update your code if you used them directly:

Old classes New classes
Bzip2FileDataSource Bzip2DirectoryDataSource
FileDataSource DirectoryDataSource
GzFileDataSource GzDirectoryDataSource
XZFileDataSource XZDirectoryDataSource
ZipFileDataSource ZipArchiveDataSource
ZstdFileDataSource ZstdDirectoryDataSource

Note: Their constructors are not the same so you will have to adapt your code to the new ones, depending on which DataSource you use.

Adding data extension

Some datasource constructors have changed or have been deleted. Change accordingly:

Old constructor New constructor
Bzip2DirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName, DataSourceObserver observer) or Bzip2DirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName) Bzip2DirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName, String dataExtension, DataSourceObserver observer)
GzDirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName, DataSourceObserver observer) or GzDirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName) GzDirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName, String dataExtension, DataSourceObserver observer)
XZDirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName, DataSourceObserver observer) or XZDirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName) XZDirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName, String dataExtension, DataSourceObserver observer)
ZstdDirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName, DataSourceObserver observer) or ZstdDirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName) ZstdDirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName, String dataExtension, DataSourceObserver observer)
XZDirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName, DataSourceObserver observer) or XzDirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName) XzDirectoryDataSource(Path directory, String baseName, String dataExtension, DataSourceObserver observer)
ZipArchiveDataSource(Path directory, String zipFileName, String baseName, DataSourceObserver observer) ZipArchiveDataSource(Path directory, String zipFileName, String baseName, String dataExtension, DataSourceObserver observer)
ZipArchiveDataSource(Path directory, String zipFileName, String baseName) ZipArchiveDataSource(Path directory, String zipFileName, String baseName, String dataExtension)

"Double" extensions (.iidm.xml, .iidm.json, .iidm.bin) are not anymore considered by the importers. If you used them, please use those instead:

Old double extension Extension to use
.iidm.xml .xiidm
.iidm.json .jiidm
.iidm.bin .biidm

Previously, when providing a filename to a datasource method (exists, newOutputStream, etc.), the datasource compression format extension was always added to the filename. Now it is added to the filename only if the filename doesn't have one already.


The following methods of CgmesOnDataSource now throw an IOException:

  • public boolean exists()
  • public boolean existsCim14()

If you call them, you should catch or propagate this exception. To keep the same behavior as before, you can catch this exception and propagate it in a new UncheckedIOException.


Clear metadata models supersedes

If you had define a custom CgmesMetadataModel implementation, you need to define a new method: CgmesMetadataModelImpl clearSupersedes().

Network Modifications dry run

Classes extending AbstractNetworkModification now have to implement a new method getName returning the name of the network modification.

Eurostag example network fix

In Eurostag example network, NVH1_XNODE2 dangling line id has been renamed to NHV1_XNODE2.

AbstractToolTest::assertCommand refactor

The two following AbstractToolTest methods have been removed:assertCommand and assertCommandMatchTextOrRegex. Please use instead :

  • for string equality with the command output: assertCommandSuccessful / assertCommandError
  • for string contained in the command output : assertCommandSuccessfulMatch / assertCommandErrorMatch
  • for regex : assertCommandSuccessfulRegex/assertCommandErrorRegex If both standard and error outputs were checked, please use the method assertCommandResult.

Custom IIDM Impl Notice for custom IIDM implementations maintainers

Tap changer neutral position

This is not really a breaking change, but a TCK test was added and so, the maintainers of a custom IIDM implementation must make sure that the neutralPosition of the TapChanger is correctly updated when using a stepsReplacer on the TapChanger or this new test will fail.

Setter for temporary limits

Custom IIDM implementation maintainers should implement:

  • LoadingLimits.setTemporaryLimitValue(int acceptableDuration, double temporaryLimitValue)

Flatten network

Custom IIDM implementation maintainers should add the following method in their Network implementations:

  • Network.flatten().
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