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Dynawo is an hybrid C++/Modelica open source suite of simulation tools for power systems. This integration module allows to use DynaFlow for power flow simulations and Dynawo for time domain simulations.


To use DynaFlow as your power flow engine, add the com.powsybl:powsybl-dynaflow module to your dependencies.

Network network ="/path/to/the/casefile.xiidm");
LoadFlowParameters parameters = LoadFlowParameters.load();
LoadFlow.find("DynaFlow").run(network, parameters);

To learn more about the usage of DynaFlow, read the dedicated page on our website.


To use Dynawo as your time domain engine, add the com.powsybl:powsybl-dynawo and com.powsybl:powsybl-dynawo-dsl modules to your dependencies. To run a dynamic simulation, you need:

  • a case file
  • a DynamicModelsSupplier to associate dynamic models to the equipment of the network
  • an EventModelsSuppler to configure events simulated during the simulation (optional)
  • an OutputVariablesSupplier to follow the evolution of dynamic variables during the simulation (optional)
  • a set of parameters to configure the simulation (optional)

Thanks to powsybl-dynawo-dsl, the inputs can be easily configured using Groovy scripts. The simulation parameters can be configured either in the config.yml file or using a Json file.

Network network ="/path/to/the/casefile.xiidm");

// Load the dynamic models mapping
DynamicModelsSupplier dynamicModelsSupplier = new GroovyDynamicModelsSupplier(
    GroovyExtension.find(DynamicModelGroovyExtension.class, DynawoSimulationProvider.NAME));

// Load the events
EventModelsSupplier eventModelsSupplier = new GroovyEventModelsSupplier(
    GroovyExtension.find(EventModelGroovyExtension.class, DynawoSimulationProvider.NAME));

// Configure the output variables
OutputVariablesSupplier outputVariablesSupplier = new GroovyOutputVariablesSupplier(
    GroovyExtension.find(OutputVariableGroovyExtension.class, DynawoSimulationProvider.NAME));

// Load the parameters
DynamicSimulationParameters parameters = DynamicSimulationParameters.load();

// Run the simulation and display the results
DynamicSimulationResult result =, dynamicModelsSupplier, eventModelsSupplier, outputVariablesSupplier, parameters);
result.getTimeLine().forEach(tl -> System.out.printf("[%.8f] %s (on %s)%n", tl.time(), tl.message(), tl.modelName()));

To learn more about the usage of Dynawo, read the dedicated page on our website.


This is an example of a dynamic models mapping file:


for (Load load : network.loads) {
    LoadAlphaBeta {
        parameterSetId "LAB"

for (Generator gen : network.generators) {
    GeneratorSynchronousThreeWindingsProportionalRegulations {
        parameterSetId "GSTWPR"

for (Line line : network.lines) {
    OverloadManagementSystem {
        dynamicModelId "BBM_" +
        parameterSetId "CLA"
        iMeasurementSide TwoSides.TWO

Note that this mapping file refers to parameter set ids which should be found in the Dynawo parameters file. For the above example, the corresponding parameter file could be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<parametersSet xmlns="">
    <set id="LAB">
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="load_alpha" value="1.5"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="load_beta" value="2.5"/>
        <reference type="DOUBLE" name="load_P0Pu" origData="IIDM" origName="p_pu"/>
        <reference type="DOUBLE" name="load_Q0Pu" origData="IIDM" origName="q_pu"/>
        <reference type="DOUBLE" name="load_U0Pu" origData="IIDM" origName="v_pu"/>
        <reference type="DOUBLE" name="load_UPhase0" origData="IIDM" origName="angle_pu"/>
    <set id="CLA">
        <par type="INT" name="currentLimitAutomaton_OrderToEmit" value="1"/>
        <par type="BOOL" name="currentLimitAutomaton_Running" value="true"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="currentLimitAutomaton_IMax" value="600"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="currentLimitAutomaton_tLagBeforeActing" value="5"/>
    <set id="GSTWPR">
        <par type="INT" name="generator_ExcitationPu" value="1"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_md" value="0.16"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_mq" value="0.16"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_nd" value="5.7"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_nq" value="5.7"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_MdPuEfd" value="0"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_DPu" value="0"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_H" value="4.97"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_RaPu" value="0.004"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_XlPu" value="0.102"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_XdPu" value="0.75"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_XpdPu" value="0.225"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_XppdPu" value="0.154"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_Tpd0" value="3"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_Tppd0" value="0.04"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_XqPu" value="0.45"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_XppqPu" value="0.2"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_Tppq0" value="0.04"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_UNom" value="15"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_PNomTurb" value="74.4"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_PNomAlt" value="74.4"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_SNom" value="80"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_SnTfo" value="80"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_UNomHV" value="15"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_UNomLV" value="15"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_UBaseHV" value="15"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_UBaseLV" value="15"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_RTfPu" value="0.0"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="generator_XTfPu" value="0.0"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="PmPu_ValueIn" value="0"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="EfdPu_ValueIn" value="0"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="voltageRegulator_LagEfdMax" value="0"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="voltageRegulator_LagEfdMin" value="0"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="voltageRegulator_EfdMinPu" value="-5"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="voltageRegulator_EfdMaxPu" value="5"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="voltageRegulator_UsRefMinPu" value="0.8"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="voltageRegulator_UsRefMaxPu" value="1.2"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="voltageRegulator_Gain" value="20"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="governor_KGover" value="5"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="governor_PMin" value="0"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="governor_PMax" value="74.4"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="governor_PNom" value="74.4"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="URef_ValueIn" value="0"/>
        <par type="DOUBLE" name="Pm_ValueIn" value="0"/>
        <reference name="generator_P0Pu" origData="IIDM" origName="p_pu" type="DOUBLE"/>
        <reference name="generator_Q0Pu" origData="IIDM" origName="q_pu" type="DOUBLE"/>
        <reference name="generator_U0Pu" origData="IIDM" origName="v_pu" type="DOUBLE"/>
        <reference name="generator_UPhase0" origData="IIDM" origName="angle_pu" type="DOUBLE"/>

Other examples can be found in the resources of this project.

Contribute to documentation

The documentation sources for PowSybl Dynawo features are in the docs folder.

Please keep them up to date with your developments.
They are published on and pull requests are built and previewed automatically via github CI.

Preview results

When modifying the website content, you can easily preview the result by building the docs locally. To do so, run the following commands:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
sphinx-build -a docs ./build-docs

Then open build-docs/index.html in your browser.

Cross-documentation links

If you want to add links to another documentation, add the corresponding repository to the file. In order to automatically get the version specified in the pom.xml, please use the same naming as the version: if you define the Groovy version with <groovy.version>, then use groovy as key. The specified URL should start with https:// and end with latest/ (the final / is mandatory). For example, to add a link to the documentation of Sphinx, you need to add the following lines:

# This parameter might already be present, just add the new value
intersphinx_mapping = {
    "sphinx": ("", None),

Then in your documentation file, you can add links to Sphinx documentation. If you want to link to a whole page, use one of the following example:

- {doc}`sphinx:usage/extensions/intersphinx`
- {doc}`Intersphinx <sphinx:usage/extensions/intersphinx>`
- [Intersphinx](inv:sphinx:std:doc#usage/extensions/intersphinx).

If you want to link a specific part of a page, use one of those examples:

- [Intersphinx roles](inv:#ref-role).
- [Intersphinx roles](inv:sphinx#ref-role).
- [Intersphinx roles](inv:sphinx:std:label:#ref-role).
- [Intersphinx roles](inv:sphinx:*:*:#ref-role).

Note 1: for the last examples to work, there need to be a corresponding reference in the external documentation. For those examples, (ref-role)= has been added right before the corresponding title in the Cross-referencing syntax page. Another way to make it work is to use the autosectionlabel module in Sphinx to automatically generate anchors for each title.

Note 2: if the build fails, try with the -E option to clear the cache:

sphinx-build -a -E docs ./build-docs