Typescript library to integrate network viewers in a javascript project. This library contains three viewers:
- network-area-diagram-viewer, to integrate the SVG representing a graph of voltage levels within a network, the SVG and the corresponding metadata JSON file being generated by powsybl-diagram
- single-line-diagram-viewer, to integrate the SVG representing single-line diagrams, the SVG and the corresponding metadata JSON file being generated by powsybl-diagram
- network-map-viewer, to display the substations / voltage levels on a map
The library is built with the Vite bundler. Node from v22+ is required to build with Vite.
Installation using npm:
'npm install @powsybl/network-viewer'
For development purpose, to install this library locally from an app, you should run these commands in the library project :
- npm install
- npm run build
- npm pack
Then in the app project :
- npm install {PATH_TO_LIBRARY}/powsybl-network-viewer-{LIBRARY_VERSION}.tgz
Warning : with Create React App, we realised the library was not updating correctly if you try to install the library multiple times. To fix this, run this command from the app after running "npm install"
- rm -Rf node_modules/.cache
If you want to deploy a new version of powsybl-network-viewer in the NPM package registry, you need to follow the steps below:
- Make a release action
- In the 'run workflow' combobox select, let the branch on main
- Enter the type of evolution (major | minor | patch)
- Enter your NPM access token (it must be an automation access token to bypass 2FA, see the access token documentation for details)
- Click 'run workflow'
Notes :
- Check license-checker-config.json for license white list and exclusion. If you need to update this list, please inform organization's owners.
- We need to exclude some packages for now :
@mapbox/[email protected]
is a special license[email protected]
is Creative Commons but not correctly described in the package[email protected]
is BSD-3-Clause but not correctly described in the package