Releases: powsybl/powsybl-open-rao
Releases · powsybl/powsybl-open-rao
What's Changed
Bug fixes
- ComputeHvdcAngleDroopActivePowerControlValue with getP by @Godelaine in #1269
Full Changelog: v6.2.1...v6.2.2
What's Changed
Preliminary works on intertemporal RAO 
- Power Gradient Constraint by @bqth29 in #1229
- inter-tempoal RAO API by @bqth29 in #1236
- TemporalData::map by @bqth29 in #1251
- Timestamp in variables and constraints by @bqth29 in #1259
- Inter-Temporal Pool by @RoxaneChen02 in #1235
- Power Gradient Constraint filler by @bqth29 in #1257
Optimization of costly remedial actions 
- Add new method withNetworkElement for InjectionRangeActionAdder by @wangjer in #1087
- Global balancing constraint (for Redispatching) by @bqth29 in #1250
- Costly optimization of range actions by @bqth29 in #1243
Parameters v3 
- Refactor Rao parameters in business and implementation specific parameters by @pjeanmarie in #1112
Bug fixes
- Rollback Jakarta configuration to enable clonable interfaces by @bqth29 in #1246
- Fixes CRAC import from Flowbased Constraint Document to enable correct handling of XML without any MNEC element defined. by @murgeyseb in #1253
- Make MonitoringResult combine function thread safe by @RoxaneChen02 in #1260
- Fix get setpoint from previous instant for multi curative scenarios in 2P by @bqth29 in #1263
- Partial Failure and completeData by @RoxaneChen02 in #1256
- ComputeHvdcAngleDroopActivePowerControlValue with getP by @Godelaine in #1269
- Remove inexistant 'com.powsybl:powsybl-action-util' dependency by @olperr1 in #1262
- 1129 use powsybl core method hasimpactonnetwork by @pjeanmarie in #1131
Full Changelog: v6.2.0...v6.3.0
What's Changed
Based on powsybl-core 6.6.0, powsybl-open-loadflow 1.14.0 and powsybl-entsoe 2.12.0 (by @phiedw in #1239)
- Generify CSA CRAC Creation Parameters (by @bqth29 in #1152)
- [CSA] No longer read AE.isCombinableWithRemedialAction attribute (by @bqth29 in #1130)
- Use JSON schemas for JSON CRAC import (by @bqth29 in #1175)
- No longer allow preventive OnContingencyState Usage Rules (by @bqth29 in #1177)
- Run cucumber on mac. Update jaxb bindings (by @pet-mit in #1212)
module path renaming (by @bqth29 in #1201)
RAO results export
- Unify rao result export (by @bqth29 in #1158)
module and better definition of paths (by @bqth29 in #1200)- Export execution details (by @phiedw in #1193)
RAO algorithm
- Use upward and downward variation variables in MILP for Range Actions (by @bqth29 in #1205)
- Refactor objective function evaluators API and add cost-wise Search-Tree (by @bqth29 in #1186)
Intertemporal RAO
- Temporal data (by @bqth29 in #1228)
- create class InterTemporalRaoInput (by @RoxaneChen02 in #1232)
- Updated powsybl-parent pom to v19 (by @phiedw in #1169)
- Update pom (by @Godelaine in #1164)
- Add LF required info to (by @pet-mit in #1192)
- Run tests on graalvm, slightly change ra ordering method in search tree to make it os agnostic (by @pet-mit in #1234)
- Remove useless GLSK file from repository (by @bqth29 in #1206)
Bug fixes
- Monitoring bug fix (by @Godelaine in #1188)
- Fix zero flows in result due to instant handling in SystematicSensitivityResult (by @phiedw in #1189)
- Fix NPE in AutomatonPerimeterResultImpl (by @phiedw in #1195)
- fix Jenkins (by @Godelaine in #1231)
- Fix bug 2 p (by @
New Contributors
- @RoxaneChen02 made their first contribution in #1232
Full Changelog: v6.1.1...v6.2.0
What's Changed
Based on powsybl-core 6.5.0, powsybl-open-loadflow 1.13.1 and powsybl-entsoe 2.11.0 (by @pet-mit in #1170 and #1176)
- Replaced OpenRAO's range action "apply" methods by a call to powsybl-core's action modifications (by @pjeanmarie in #1032)
- Replace OpenRAO's "elementary action" objects, in NetworkActions, by powsybl-core actions (by @pjeanmarie in #920 and #1034)
- FbConstraintDocument importer: removed unused flowBasedDocumentVersion variable in importNativeCrac method (by @kahyami in #1097)
- FbConstraintDocument importer: new schema versions are now supported (by @pet-mit in #1107 and @phiedw in #1113)
- crac-creator package has been deleted (by @bqth29 in #1100)
- crac-io package has been moved into crac (by @bqth29 in #1159)
- Crac creation context refactorization (by @bqth29 in #1103)
- Added CRAC content summary in creation report (by @bqth29 in #1156)
- CSA-Profiles Importer: Read CNECs borders (by @bqth29 in #1124)
- CSA-Profiles Importer: Import TapPositionAction from TapChanger (by @bqth29 in #1126)
- Mutualize RaUsageLimits serializers/deserializers and support
(by @bqth29 in #1150)
RAO algorithm
- Added remedial action usage limits, on the number of elementary actions, per TSO (by @bqth29 in #1009)
- Fixed raoResult.isSecure(ANGLE) and raoResult.isSecure(VOLTAGE) (by @pet-mit in #1099)
- FailedRaoResult now indicates the reason for failure (by @pet-mit in #1102)
- Simplified objective function evaluators (by @pet-mit in #1109)
- Performance improvements (by @phiedw in #1114)
- Fixed concurrent exceptions due to Map in FlowResultImpl (by @phiedw in #1118)
- MIP: removed ProblemFiller::updateBetweenSensiIteration() method (by @pet-mit in #1106)
Monitoring algorithms
- Voltage & Angle monitoring algorithms have been merged into one generic algorithm (by @benrejebmoh in #1092, and @Godelaine in #1173)
RAO results export
- SWE CNE: we now export Xnode ID for tie-lines (by @pet-mit in #1115)
- CNE export no longer uses network (by @bqth29 in #1157)
- Fixed some broken links (by @colinepiloquet in #1132)
- Updated (by @Godelaine in #1145)
- Version updates for dependencies (by @dependabot in #1116 and #1117, @Godelaine in #1163, @pet-mit in #1143)
- Sonar quality improvements (by @phiedw in #1119 and #1122)
- Fixed test CRAC version in compatibility tests (by @murgeyseb in #1123)
New Contributors
- @colinepiloquet made their first contribution in #1132
Full Changelog: v6.0.1...v6.1.0
What's Changed
- Release 6.0.1 by @pet-mit in #1095
- Add RA usage limit on the number of applicable elementary actions per TSO by @bqth29 in #1009
- Replace rao range action apply by core action modification by @pjeanmarie in #1032
- FbConstraintImporter : remove unused flowBasedDocumentVersion variable in importNativeCrac method by @kahyami in #1097
- Replace rao elementary action by core action by @pjeanmarie in #920
- Fix raoResult.isSecure(ANGLE) and raoResult.isSecure(VOLTAGE) by @pet-mit in #1099
- Indicate reason to failed RAO by @pet-mit in #1102
- Delete crac-creator package by @bqth29 in #1100
- Elementary action new json by @pjeanmarie in #1034
- [FbConstraintDocument] Support new schema versions by @pet-mit in #1107
- Simplify objective function evaluators by @pet-mit in #1109
- Enrich crac creation context by @bqth29 in #1103
- Perf improvements for csa swe by @phiedw in #1114
- Bump ch.qos.logback:logback-classic from 1.2.3 to 1.2.13 by @dependabot in #1116
- Bump org.xmlunit:xmlunit-core from 2.8.1 to 2.10.0 by @dependabot in #1117
- update xsd for core cc by @phiedw in #1113
- Fix concurrent exceptions due to Map in FlowResultImpl by @phiedw in #1118
- SWE CNE export Xnode ID for tie-lines by @pet-mit in #1115
- Clean some sonar code smells by @phiedw in #1119
- Fix test CRAC version in compatibility tests by @murgeyseb in #1123
- [CSA Importer] Read CNECs borders by @bqth29 in #1124
- Fix broken links by @colinepiloquet in #1132
- update ortools to 9.11 by @pet-mit in #1143
- update by @Godelaine in #1145
- Import TapPositionAction from TapChanger by @bqth29 in #1126
- [MIP] Remove ProblemFiller::updateBetweenSensiIteration() method by @pet-mit in #1106
- Mutualize RaUsageLimits serializers/deserializers and support
by @bqth29 in #1150 - Sonar cleaning complex by @phiedw in #1122
- Move crac-io in crac by @bqth29 in #1159
- CNE export no longer uses network by @bqth29 in #1157
- Add CRAC content summary in creation report by @bqth29 in #1156
- [Monitoring] Generify voltage and angle monitoring by @benrejebmoh in #1092
- Update commons-io version by @Godelaine in #1163
- Bump powsybl dependencies 6.5.0 by @pet-mit in #1170
New Contributors
- @colinepiloquet made their first contribution in #1132
Full Changelog: v6.0.1...v6.1.0-RC