This is a DotVVM control that wraps the Bootstrap Daterangepicker jQuery plugin.
You can install the control from NuGet:
Install-Package DotVVM.BootstrapDateRangePicker
or using the dotnet
command line:
dotnet add package DotVVM.BootstrapDateRangePicker
First, you need to include registration of the control in your DotvvmStartup.cs
private void ConfigureControls(DotvvmConfiguration config, string applicationPath)
Then, you can use the DateRangePicker
control in your DotHTML file:
<cc:DateRangePicker Value="{value: DateRange}"
Ranges="{resource: Ranges}"
<div class="input-group-prepend">
<span class="input-group-text"><span class="fas fa-calendar"></span></span>
<span class="form-control" Visible="{value: DateRange.HasValue && !DateRange.HasSelectedRange}">
<dot:Literal Text="{value: DateRange.Start}" FormatString="d. M. yyyy">
<span Visible="{value: !DateRange.IsOneDay}">
<span class="separator">-</span>
<dot:Literal Text="{value: DateRange.End}" FormatString="d. M. yyyy">
<span class="form-control" Visible="{value: DateRange.HasValue && DateRange.HasSelectedRange}">
<dot:Literal Text="{value: DateRange.SelectedRange.Label}">
<div class="input-group-append" Visible="{value: DateRange.HasValue}">
<dot:Button Click="{command: ClearDateRange()}"
<span class="fas fa-times"></span>
<span class="form-control text-muted" IncludeInPage="{value: !DateRange.HasValue}">
Choose date...
The DateRange
and Ranges
properties should be defined in your viewmodel:
public DateRangeValue DateRange { get; set; } = new();
public List<DateRange> Ranges { get; set; } = new List<DateRange>()
new("today", "Today", DateTime.Today),
new("yesterday", "Yesterday", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1)),
new("last7days", "Last 7 days", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7)),
new("last30days", "Last 30 days", DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30)),
new("thismonth", "This month", new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 1), DateTime.Today),
new("lastmonth", "Last month", new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 1).AddMonths(-1), new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 1).AddDays(-1))
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.