A highly efficient and simple implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm for local alignment of sequences.
Compile the project
gcc serial_smithW.c -o serial_smithW -fopenmp -DDEBUG
Run the program:
./serial_smithW <number_of_col> <number_of_rows>
Compile the project
gcc omp_smithW.c -o omp_smithW -fopenmp -DDEBUG
Run the program:
./omp_smithW <number_of_col> <number_of_rows>
You can help by reporting bugs, suggesting features, reviewing feature specifications or just by sharing your opinion. Use GitHub Issues for all of that.
- Display the result in a more user-friendly way.
- Make speedup tests to show how OpenMP accelerated the code.
- Add documentation about the diagonal approach used to implement the parallel algorithm.
- Fork the project.
- Create a branch for your new feature.
- Test your code.
- Submit a pull request.
All pull requests are welcome !
This project was develloped by Daniel Holanda, Hanoch Griner and Taynara Pinheiro.
This project uses the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.