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Example of integration PPG android sdk with Jetpack Compose/Material3 android APP

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Example of integration PPG android sdk with Jetpack Compose/Material3 android APP


Repository contains complete APP integrated with PPG android native sdk. To run APP you need to provide credentials of your test project (PPG / Firebase). Check Requirements & installation section for guidance

Application is built using Jetpack Compose / Material3 / Retrofit2 / DaggerHilt / MVVM architecture / Kotlin DSL configuration (if you would like to see how integration is performed on Groovy DSL - check example contained in our native android sdk repository

Requirements & installation


  1. Test project in PPG application
  2. google-service.json
  3. FCM v1 credentials as .json


  1. Collect Project ID and API key from PPG application (to generate API key visit Provide those credentials in AndroidManifest.xml meta-data tags.
  2. Create test project using Firebase console. Connect this app with that project and download google-services.json, then place it in the app root folder.
  3. Steps to generate FCM v1 credentials and upload it in PPG APP:

SDK Functionalities

App implements some of PPG android-sdk methods, as well as a transactional API for sending push notification

  • Register - register subscriber
  • Unregister - unregister subscriber
  • Subscriber ID - returns subscriber ID if registered
  • Is Subscribed - returns subscriber status
  • Send beacon - add tag with label to your subscriber by sending beacon
  • Send Push Notification - send a test transactional push notification to your subscriber

Transactional API

In transactional API section you can find buttons which implements some of transactional endpoints (

Example implementation details: In case of this application we used MVVM architecture + Retrofit2 along with Use Cases approach.

  1. Define interface for transactional api (/data/remote/PPGTransactionalAPI.kt)
  2. Create transactional repository interface (/domain/repository/TransactionalScreenRepository.kt)
  3. Implement that repository (/data/repository/TransactionalScreenRepositoryImplementation.kt)
  4. optionally Create Use Cases (/domain/use-case/transactional/...)
  5. Use implemented functions (or Use Cases) in view model (/presentation/screens/transactional/TransactionalScreenViewModel.kt)
  6. Inject view model to your screen (/presentation/screens/transactional/TransactionalScreen)

In transactional section you can test functionalities like:

  • Send transactional push to subscriber's ID or external ID
  • Get list of Subscribers with given external ID
  • Assign external ID to your subscriber
  • Unassign your subscriber from current external ID
  • Remove given external ID from all Subscribers


Example of integration PPG android sdk with Jetpack Compose/Material3 android APP






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