Example of integration PPG flutter sdk with Flutter application
This is a test app that you can test integration with PPG sdk on. To do so, follow instructions provided below. Note: Test app supports integration on platforms: iOS / Android
- PPG project
- Access to Firebase Console
- Access to Apple Developers console
Approximate time of installation to run test app - 30 min
- Clone repo
- Login into your PPG project
- Collect your project ID and API KEY (to generate API KEY navigate to https://next.pushpushgo.com/organization/yourOrganizationID/access-manager/api-keys)
- Open repo in Android Studio
- Open lib/main.dart file and provide project id and api key in code:
final pushpushgo = PushpushgoSdk({ "apiToken": "YOUR API KEY", "projectId": "YOUR PROJECT ID", });
Install Firebase CLI - open terminal and run command:
$ curl -sL https://firebase.tools | bash
Install FlutterFire CLI - open terminal and run command:
$ dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
In terminal login to firebase:
$ firebase login
Navigate to root of your Flutter project and run:
$ flutterfire configure --project=your-firebase-project-id
Follow instructions provided in terminal.
Note: If you cant use flutterfire command, add export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin" to your .zshrc file.
Open Android folder in your Flutter project and synchronize files
Generate FCM v1 credentials and upload it in PPG APP:
- Go to your Firebase console and navigate to project settings
- Open Cloud Messaging tab
- Click Manage Service Accounts
- Click on your service account email
- Navigate to KEYS tab
- Click ADD KEY
- Pick JSON type and click create
- Download file and upload it in PushPushGo Application (https://next.pushpushgo.com/projects/YourProjectID/settings/integration/fcm)
Generate certificate and upload it - https://docs.pushpushgo.company/application/providers/mobile-push/apns IMPORTANT - While generating certificate, you should provide the same bundle ID as it is provided in Xcode. In case of this test app, unless changed your cert should match bundle ID - com.example.flutterTestApp
Navigate to root of your Flutter project and run:
$ flutter pub get
To run ios part - in Xcode open ios/Runner.xcworkspace and press CMD + R (make sure Runner is active scheme).
To run android - in Android studio open android/ then build and run app.
Inside application /lib/ folder you can see example implementation of PushPushGo sdk methods:
- Subscribe
- Unsubscribe
- Show subscriber ID
- Send test beacon