Building RESTful web service using Python & Flask
These are instructions for cloning this repository to build and deploy/run a RESTful web service on your local machine. The web service will accept requests and respond to them as appropriate . See Deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
This can be run on Windows, Unix or Mac. The RESTful webservice will run in a virtual environment using Python and Flask
python 2 or python 3
Instructions on how to install the RESTful service on Python Virtualenv using Flask
On the Windows, UNIX/Linux or MAC system running Python Python 3 comes bundled with the venv module to create virtual environments. If you’re using a modern version of Python, you can continue on to the "Create an environment" section.
If you are using Python 2, the venv module is not available. Instead, install virtualenv.
sudo pip install virtualenv
On Linux, virtualenv is provided by your package manager:
# Debian, Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
# CentOS, Fedora
sudo yum install python-virtualenv
# Arch
sudo pacman -S python-virtualenv
If you are on Mac OS X or Windows, download, then:
sudo python2 Downloads/
sudo python2 -m pip install virtualenv
On Windows, as an administrator:
\Python27\python.exe Downloads\
\Python27\python.exe -m pip install virtualenv
Create a venv called "fibonacci". You'd preferably run the following commands in your project root dir:
Unix Commands
# python3 -m venv fibonacci
# ls
On Windows:
py -3 -m venv fibonacci
And if you needed to install virtualenv because you are on an older version of Python, use the following command instead:
virtualenv fibonacci
On Windows:
\Python27\Scripts\virtualenv.exe fibonacci
Before you work on your project, activate the corresponding environment:
. fibonacci/bin/activate
On Windows:
Your shell prompt will change to show the name of the activated environment.
Within the activated environment, use the following command to install Flask and requests:
pip install Flask
pip3 install requests
Once you have successfully installed Flask within your activated environment backout of the "venv" directory into the "fibonacci" directory.
cd fibonacci
git clone
Now that you have cloned the github repository you are ready to deploy the service to accept requests and respond to them appropriately.
To start deploy the server enter the following command:
python3 restful/
If everything was done correctly your output should look like this:
* Serving Flask app "start_web" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Your webservice is running and you need to test it. In a seperate terminal navigate back to fibonacci directory
cd fibonacci
python3 restful/
The script runs 3 tests:
- It checks to make sure the site is up. It checks the root of the web service
- It accepts a negative number but gives a message Error! Number provided is not a positive number
- It checks to see if the web service meets the example test n=5 [0,1,1,2,3]
If everything works fine you should see the following output to signify test complete:
Ran 3 tests in 0.064s