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Programming Languages: Final Project

This note describes the final project for the Programming Languages class.

The project involves implementing a small yet relatively powerful programming language. The language you implement will support functions, closures, recursion, bound variables, conditional logic, and integer arithmetic.

The language is called Smurf (because it is small, and if languages had colors, it would be blue).

Revision history

11/20/19: added new feature-based testing

Submission Checklist

Fill this in before submitting your final pull request



Grading criteria (see Grading below):

[ ] test-based

[ ] feature based

If feature based, put an X in the cell that represents the combination of syntax and implementation depth you want me to assess. (Just one X in the table.)

Parses Builds AST Interprets
Integers [ ] [ ] [ ]
Expressions [ ] [ ] [ ]
Variables [ ] [ ] [ ]
Function calls (no params) [ ] [ ] [ ]
Function calls + bindings [ ] [ ] [ ]

I've included in this PR:

[ ] everything I'll need to build a running version of your submission (source, dependency loading, etc)

[ ] a build file that will create an executable (if required)

[ ] a script that will run the tests (if you're making a test-based submission)

(see Deliverables for more details)

Your Task

At the end of this document you'll find an EBNF grammar for Smurf, followed by a description of the required semantics.

Your job will be to implement a Smurf interpreter that passes a set of included tests. Your implementation will possibly contain a lexer, and definitely contain a parser and an interpreter.

Your interpreter will be invoked from the command line. It takes a single parameter: the name of a file containing Smurf code. It will then compile and run that code, displaying any output.

The underlying goal is to show me that you understand the workings of a language (both the parsing at compile time and the execution at runtime).

Implementation Language and Tools

You can implement this project in the language of your choice. You may use lexing and parsing tools available for that language. For example, if you were implementing in Python, you might choose to use a PEG parser library such as Arpeggio. If instead you choose to implement Smurf in C++, you might choose a C++ PEG parser, or you could go old-school and use flex for lexing and byacc for parsing and AST generation. (FWIW, using byacc and flex will probably increase the level of effort by a factor of two.)


You'll deliver your work as a PR. Your commit should include all source files—both program source and (if you used them) lexical definitions or grammars used by any code generation tools.

If the programming language you used requires compilation and/or linking, you will need to include a script or makefile that does this. If your code has external dependencies, then you must include a separate script that will install these.

I'll be running your code under Ubuntu inside a Docker container. If you wanted to do the same, you could also manage your dependencies by including a Dockerfile.

Finally, I'll need you to include a script that runs the tests: see the next section.

Do not include any object files, executable files, XCode project files, and the like.

To summarize, you'll deliver:

  • everything I'll need to build a running version of your submission (source, dependency loading, etc)

  • a build file that will create an executable (if required)

  • a script that will run the tests.

These will be packaged into a PR that MUST INCLUDE your SMU ID and name.


You'll find a set of files in the test_cases directory. The files whose names end .smu are Smurf source files. These contain code to be executed by your interpreter. They also contain the expected output (as comments). For example, the start of the file 00_expr.smu is:

print(1)            #=> 1
print(3 - 1)        #=> 2
print(2+1)          #=> 3

When you run this code using your interpreter, it should produce the output:

Print: 1
Print: 2
Print: 3

Rather than eyeballing the output, you should run these tests using the supplied Python script

The test_runner script takes a single parameter: the command needed to run your interpreter. The test runner will automatically then invoke your interpreter on each of the test programs and verify the output. For example, if your interpreter is written in Python, and it lives in the directory smu/, then you can start the tests using:

$ python3 "/usr/local/bin/python3 smu/"

Smurf Syntax

program = code EOF

comment  = "#" r'.*'

code = statement*

statement = "let" variable_declaration
          | assignment
          | expr

variable_declaration  = decl ("," decl)*

decl = identifier ("=" expr)?

identifier = [a-z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

variable_reference = identifier

if_expression = expr brace_block ( "else" brace_block )?

assignment  = identifier "=" expr

expr  = "fn" function_definition
      | "if" if_expression
      | boolean_expression
      | arithmetic_expression

boolean_expression  = arithmetic_expression relop arithmetic_expression

arithmetic_expression  = mult_term addop arithmetic_expression
                       | mult_term

mult_term  = primary mulop mult_term
           | primary

primary  = integer
         | function_call
         | variable_reference
         | "(" arithmetic_expression ")"

integer = "-"? [0-9]+

addop   = '+' | '-'
mulop   = '*' | '/'
relop   = '==' | '!=' | '>=' | '>' | '<=' | '<'

function_call  = variable_reference "(" call_arguments ")"
               | "print" "(" call_arguments ")"

call_arguments = (expr ("," expr)*)?

function_definition = param_list brace_block

param_list =  "(" identifier ("," identifier)* ")"
           |  "(" ")"

brace_block = "{" code  "}"



  • The syntax does not show whitespace. It assumes that the lexing stage uses whitespace to separate tokens where needed, but that the whitespace is then ignored.

  • Comments run from the # character to the end of the current line. They should be treated as whitespace and be ignored.

  • Every statement in Smurf is an expression: they all return a value.


  • Variables must be declared (using let) before being used.

  • A single let can declare multiple variables.

  • Variables may also be initialized in a let statement. If not initialized, they should have the value 0.

  • Variable initializers may be expressions, and those expressions may reference previous variables in the same let (as well as any other already-declared variables.

    let a = 1,
        b = 2,
        c = a + b
  • the syntax contains entries for both identifier and variable_reference. Although identical lexically, the syntax uses identifier when referring the the name of a variable, and variable_reference when referring to its value.

  • There are only two things a variable can hold: integers and functions.

Booleans and If Expressions

  • The six relational operators (relop) compare two integers, returning the value 1 if the relation is true and 0 otherwise.

  • The if expression executes its then clause if its condition is nonzero. Otherwise, if the condition is zero and an else clause is specified, that else clauses is executed.

  • The value of the if expression is the value of either the then or else clause.

Blocks of code

  • Multiple expressions (statements) can be grouped inside braces.

  • The value returned by a block is the value of the last expression it evaluates.

    max = if a > b { a } else { b }


  • Functions are created using the fn expression.

  • The value of an fn is something that you can subsequently call.

    adder = fn (a,b) { a + b }
    print(adder(2,3))           #=> 5
  • A function stored in a variable v is called using v(p1, p2...).

  • As a special case, your interpreter must act as if there is a predefined function stored in the variable print. This function can be called with one or more arguments, and will write those arguments to standard output, preceded by "Print: ". If multiple arguments are given, their values should be displayed separated by a pipe character (and no spaces).

    print(2*3, 4+5)

    will output

    Print: 1
    Print: 6|9

Scope and Binding

  • Variables are declared with let, and are available from that point to the end of the scope that declares them.

  • Variables are associated with a current value. The list of variables and their values in the current scope is called a binding.

  • When a function is defined, Smurf remembers the scope.

  • When the function is subsequently run, smurf creates a new scope for it. That scope includes the binding for the scope where the function was declared, bindings for any function parameters and any variables declared inside the function.

    Here's an example from the test cases:

    let a = 99
    let f = fn(x) { x + a }
    print(f(1))     #=> 100
    a = 100
    print(f(1))     #=> 101

    Note that the function receives the scope at its point of definition. If the variables in that scope change value, the function will see that new value.

    here's another example illustrating the nested scope created in a function.

    let add_n = fn (n) {
      fn (x) {
        x + n
    let add_2 = add_n(2)
    let add_3 = add_n(3)
    print(add_2(2))       #=> 4
    print(add_3(10))      #=> 13

    Note that the nested function has a reference the the variable n from the enclosing function, and that the value of n is specific to that outer function's execution.


  • This is going to be a fairly good sized program. Nicely formatted, my Python solution is about 500 lines long. START EARLY.

  • It might be tempting to start with the lexer, then implement the parser, ands finally do the interpreter. I suggest it would be more instructive to instead implement this across these layers. When I first started, I wrote a parser that just handled integers, built an AST, then interpreted that.

    By doing so, I learned the tools I would be using (Arpeggio in my case), and made a number of structural mistakes, which were easy to fix because there was no code.

    I then implemented variables, then expressions, and so on.

  • When you first start, it will feel like you're beating your head against a brick wall. Your parsing tools will generate strange errors, and there'll be interactions between parts of the syntax you aren't expecting.

    The trick, as always, is to take things step at a time, and verify as you go along. The supplied test cases are not good for this, so consider writing lower level unit tests of your own.

  • See if your parsing library has a debug mode, which will trace what it is doing when analyzing your Smurf source. I found that to be a big help when trying to understand why it was interpreting syntax X as syntax Y.

  • Because Smurf has closures, you're going to need to be careful when invoking functions. One approach is to generate a _thunk- for every execution that contains the bindings and code specific to that execution. we'll talk about this in class.

    I found it useful to add code to my runtime that would dump out the current scope, and to call that in situations where variables weren't what I expected them to be.

  • Remember to use me as a resource.



Your final PR to my repository must be submitted by December 4 at 23:59. Late submissions will not be graded.

This project will count for 40% of the overall course grade.

Within the project, marks are given as follows:

  • Demonstrate master of the material: 80%
  • Well coded solution: 20%.

Let's get the "well coded" part out of the way first:

The code is easy to understand.† 12%
Clear division between parsing and runtime 4%
Makes good use of features of parsing tool chosen 4%

(†) Easy to understand means:

  • well laid out (indentation, short lines, blank lines, etc)
  • short methods/functions
  • meaningful names
  • complex code broken into smaller less complex chunks
  • consistency
  • and other I'll know it when I don't understand it stuff

Demonstrating Mastery

There are two ways I can grade mastery.

  • Test based
  • Feature based

Test-based grading assumes I can run my tests against your code: you will need to have an interpreter that supports at least expressions and the print function.

The feature-based grading is intended to be a fallback in case you have problems getting the interpreter to run. For example, you may be generating an AST and correctly interpreting expressions, but haven't managed to get the print() call to run. This would mean you'd fail the test-based grading even though you had some working code.

When you submit your final project, you will need to tell me which grading scheme you want me to use. Do that by editing the form at the top of this README.

Test-Based Grading of Mastery

Ideally, you will finish all the requirements of the project and produce an interpreter that will be able to execute the tests I supplied. In that case, the mastery grade will simply be the percentage of tests that pass, where all tests passing get you 80%, and no tests passing gets you 0. FYI, there are 57 tests in all so each is worth roughly 1.75% of the mastery component of the grade. Put another way; each failing test would deduct 1.4% from your overall project grade.

Feature-Based Grading of Mastery

The interpreter project has two dimensions of features. One is the amount of the overall Smurf language your code handles, and the other is how far down the parsing/AST/interpreting path you are.

Parses Builds AST Interprets
Integers 10 20 40
Expressions 20 40 60
Variables 30 50 80
Function calls (no params) 40 60 85
Function calls + bindings 40 60 95

This means that (for the mastery part of the grade) if your code correctly parses a language that contains a single integer (reporting an error if it is fed something else), you'd score 10% on the mastery section (8% overall). If you built a AST from that integer, you'd get 20%, and it your code interpreted that AST ands output the integer's value, you'd get 40%.

If your code can handle variable declarations and use the values of those variables in expressions, outputting the result, you'd get 80%. If you build the AST for this case, but can't get the interpreter working, you'd instead get 50%.

When you submit your work, you'll tell me which row and column above you want me to use for grading.

How to demonstrate features

If your submission is in the parsing column, then you need to submit a program that lets me enter some Smurf syntax as a parameter, and which displays either "correct" or "bad syntax". The syntax I'll feed to this program depends on the row you choose.

If you submit the AST column, then I'll need your program to accept Smurf as a parameter and to output a textual representation of the AST. The easiest way to do this is probably as a nested list:

$ myparser "1+2*3"
(+ 1 (* 2 3))

If you're submitting in the Interprets column, then your program should both output the AST and, on the next line, the value returned by the interpretation.

$ myparser "a = 3  1+2*a"
(+ 1 (* 2 (rval a)))


The final project: a Smurf interpreter






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