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prene edited this page Sep 2, 2013 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the scientometric-graph-tool wiki!

What is scientometric-graph-tool?

scientometric-graph-tool is a bundle of python libraries to deal with "scientometric" networks, i.e. citation networks and collaboration networks. Especially, scientometric-graph-tool allows you to take a multiplex perspective on these networks, i.e. to analyze them in connection with each other rather than as separate entities.

As citation and collaboration networks tend to be huge in size, it is essential to have scalable code. Whereas libraries like igraph or networkx are fairly extensive concerning the already build-in functions to analyze networks, scalability is always an issue. However, a more novel network library, graph-tool by Tiago Peixoto (, provides a fast, memory-efficient, highly scalable and versatile framework for network analysis. Hence, scientometric-graph-tool builds on graph-tool.

To be able to use scientometric-graph-tool you will need a working python2.7 installation as well as graph-tool. To get python, please refer to, to get graph-tool, please refer to the project homepage

Furthermore you will need:

  • numpy


This project is fully documented. Please find the documentation HERE as well as within the project repository.

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