Typeclass based implicit arguments. Think Reader
but without the burden of doing everything inside do-notation.
Featured usecases:
- Passing a
down a large tree
For the full documentation check out pursuit
foo :: Ask Int => Int -> String
foo bar = show (ask + bar)
-- same as `(provide 3 foo) 4`
buzz :: String
buzz = provide 3 (foo 4) -- 7
goo :: String
goo = provide 2 (show $ askFor _Int) -- passing a proxy in order to avoid a type annotation
blue :: Number
blue = provide 4.2 $ local floor (foo 3) -- 7
Building the package
spago build
Running the test suite
spago -x ./spago.test.dhall test
If you think a particular helper would be an useful addition, feel free to open an issue.