A simple python library to interact and build applications with Large Language Models.
graph LR
subgraph "HandlerChain"
A[Handler 1] -->|Message| B[Handler 2]
B -->|Message| C[Handler 3]
Input["Input (Message)"] --> A
C --> Output["Output (Message)"]
has three main components / assumptions:
- Entities in an application communicate through
s. Message
s are passed throughHandler
s that can modify (transform, format, etc.) theMessage
s are chained together to form aHandlerChain
s hold a sequence ofHandler
s that are executed in order.
pip install -U "interact @ git+https://github.com/pritam-dey3/Interact.git"
or, if you use faiss for similarity search
pip install -U "interact[faiss] @ git+https://github.com/pritam-dey3/Interact.git"
import asyncio
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from interact import HandlerChain, Message, handler
from interact.handlers import OpenAiLLM
load_dotenv() # load openai api key from .env file
async def company_name(msg: Message, chain: HandlerChain) -> str:
chain.variables["product"] = msg.primary
return (
f"What would be an appropriate name for a business specializing in {msg.primary}?"
"Only mention the company name and nothing else."
async def company_tagline(msg: Message, chain: HandlerChain) -> str:
return (
f"What would be an appropriate tagline for a business specializing in {chain.variables['product']}"
f" and with company name {msg.primary}?\nFormat your output in the following"
f" format:\n{msg.primary}: <tagline>"
def main():
name_and_tagline_generator = (
company_name >> OpenAiLLM() >> company_tagline >> OpenAiLLM()
res = asyncio.run(name_and_tagline_generator("bike"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() # Socket: The best socks in the world
Applications with Large Language Models can get complex very quickly. You need more customizability and control over the prompts and their execution to satisfactorily build an application.
was created with simplicity and scalability in mind. The core concepts of Message
s, Handler
s, and HandlerChain
s are simple to understand and gives You the power to build complex applications with ease.
More popular alternatives like langchain
gets frustrating to use when you want to customize either the process or the prompts according to your needs. Interact
gives you the control while maintaining a very simple and intuitive API.