Develop an extension that offers a simple to-do list interface, allowing users to manage tasks while browsing.
Create a new folder for your extension project and add the following files: 1.manifest.json 2.popup.html 3.popup.js 4.styles.css 5.icon.png
Now, when you click on the extension icon in the Chrome toolbar, a popup window will open with a simple to-do list interface. You can add tasks by entering text in the input field and clicking the "Add" button. To mark a task as completed, click on it, and it will be removed from the list. The tasks will persist even after closing the popup window.
This To-Do List extension allows users to manage their tasks while browsing, making it convenient to keep track of their to-do items. You can further enhance the extension by adding features like task priority, due dates, and task persistence using '' or a back-end server.