This is a minesweeper clone I made using the Raylib 4.0 library.
- Supports flags and timer.
- First click is always safe.
- Window size adjusts automatically up to 4K displays (above 4K still works but textures will be blurry).
- Left mouse click to reveal a block.
- Right mouse click to place/remove a flag.
- Press R to reset the game anytime (will regenerate mines).
In the works
- Initial menu to select a difficulty or create a custom game.
- Some optional cheats.
- Add indicator when the game is over to show whether or not a block was flagged correctly.
- Remake textures to support up to 8K displays (unnecessary but why not).
- Block and UI animations (too much trouble, probably won't add it).
This game uses the Pixellari font made by Zacchary Dempsey-Plante: As for the textures, I made them myself.