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Downloading the code

eaxs edited this page Apr 29, 2013 · 3 revisions

You can download the entire code repository here on github and create an installable Joomla extension package in just a few, easy, steps.

First, download the master, or the dev branch. The master branch always contains the code of the latest public release, whereas the dev branch holds current code for the upcoming release.

Next, extract the archive you've just downloaded to your desktop and create a new zip archive with the content of the source folder (you can leave out the templates folder). If you did that right, your new archive should have the following content:

  • /components
  • /libraries
  • /modules
  • /plugins
  • /memcheck.php
  • /pkg_projectfork.script.php
  • /pkg_projectfork.xml

This is is now your installable Joomla package. You can use it for a new install, or as update. Please be careful when operating on the dev branch, as it may not be fully operational and in worst cases, even break your site. Taking a backup before installing is strongly recommended!

Update 01/29/2013:

If you're installing the dev branch code over a 4.0 or 4.1dev release, you might see this notice 6 times after the installation: JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file This is a false-positive; the messages are displayed because the Joomla installer tries to update 6 plugins that did not exist before this date. That's all.

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