Kano Mat (κάνω ματ, /ˈkano/ /mat/) is a Javascript library for embedding a Chessboard onto your webpage.
Bear with me on this one, because I'm learning JS stuff alongside actually building the darn thing. See "Similar projects" links below if you're really itching to get something on your site. They're all fine projects, and this is, in part, simply me giving it a go at writing something in JS, rather than an earnest attempt to fill a niche.
However, if you find you want some feature that is missing elsewhere, and otherwise find my work useful, please feel free to submit an issue request, and I'll see what I can do.
The features I hope to include are as follows:
- Define the size of the board itself by input values
- Define the color pallete of the board and pieces to match a variety of UI/theme needs
- Allow for multiple move-input types (Algebraic, ICCF, Long algebraic, PGN, etc.)
- Animate a move or two as needed for demonstrative purposes.
- Allow for a fully interactive chess board.
Here's some things I may eventually do, but don't count on it, as my eyes are often too big for my stomach, and they're a little overkill.
- Rules enforcement
- Changing of game modes
- Timer
- Multiplayer features
- Standalone, electron based app builds
I'm not the first, by any stretch, to have this idea, and here are a few fine entries I've found in my short glance around in the space. There may be more, and feel free to suggest names as they come up, including your own!