Easy to use, general loading and retry screen that works for doing certain task in the background. First showing a loading screen, if the criteria doesn't match shows a retry screen until the criteria matches and the screen disappear.
This lib makes use of the java-retry-pattern implementation.
compile 'cool.proto:retry-fragment:0.6.0'
First you must include the retry_fragment_container
in your xml layout at the same level of your content.
Also you must have your content and the include inside a RelativeLayout with context of the activity, in case you don't have have you must add it.
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<!-- this is the content -->
<!-- and this is the include you must add -->
<include layout="@layout/retry_fragment_container"/>
Then in the activity implement the following listeners.
Note: RetryTaskCallback exist as synchronous task (RetrySyncTaskCallback
) and asynchronous task (RetryAsyncTaskCallback
). Use the one that works better for you.
public class SomeClass implements RetryCriteriaCallback, RetryAsyncTaskCallback {
public boolean retryCriteria() {
// Return the criteria that you want to get from the task
return true;
// For RetryAsyncTaskCallback use this
public void retryTask(RetryTaskRunner.TaskCompleteCallback taskCompleteCallback) {
// Task to run in background
public class SomeClass implements RetryCriteriaCallback, RetrySyncTaskCallback {
public boolean retryCriteria() {
// Return the criteria that you want to get from the task
return true;
// For RetrySyncTaskCallback use this
public void retryTask() {
// Task to run in background
Finally create a new instance of RetryMain(this)
and start startAsyncTask()
or startSyncTask()
depending on the type of task you want.
RetryMain retryMain = new RetryMain(this);
You can customize the text and icon that appears in the loading and retry screen, using the LoadingFragmentBuilder()
to customize the loading screen and RetryFragmentBuilder()
to customize the retry screen.
With these you can customize the message of loading that appears, the time that passes before running the task and the icon that appears.
You can customize the error message, the button text and the error icon.
NOTE: the usage
module is an android project you can launch to check how it works.
We will start a new activity in which will have a task of adding 1 to a variable and check with the criteria if the variable is 2.
First we add the implementation for RetryCriteriaCallback
and RetryAsyncTaskCallback
public class SecondActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements RetryCriteriaCallback, RetryAsyncTaskCallback {
public boolean retryCriteria() {
return numberOfRetries == 2;
public void retryTask(RetryTaskRunner.TaskCompleteCallback taskCompleteCallback) {
Notice that we also create a custom retry for the proccess.
Then in the onCreate
we create a new instance and start the async task.
private RetryMain retryMain;
private int numberOfRetries;
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
retryMain = new RetryMain(this);
new LoadingFragmentBuilder()
.withMessage("Custom Loading")
new RetryFragmentBuilder()
.withMessage("Custom Error")
So in short when we enter to the SecondActivity, we will start with a custom loading screen, and do the RetryAsyncTask. After that the criteria will not match with what we want so it will appear the custom retry screen. Then we press the retry button, and do the task again the criteria will match and the loading will be gone.
And that's it.
If you encounter an error of a method that doesn't exist in support it could be because the retry fragment has the appcompat-v7 25.0.0 so probably it's causing confilcts, like this one:
No static method setLayoutDirection(Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable;I)V in class Landroid/support/v4/graphics/drawable/DrawableCompat; or its super classes
Or something similar. You should exclude appcompat from the retry fragment.
compile ('cool.proto:retry-fragment:0.6.0'){
exclude module:'appcompat-v7'
<exclusion> <!-- declare the exclusion here -->