Demo for ProtoStax Audio Visualizer with Spectrum Shield, NeoPixel Shield and Arduino
using ProtoStax for Arduino
This demo uses
- Adafruit NeoPixel Shield for Arduino
- SparkFun Spectrum Shield
- ProtoStax for Arduino
- Arduino (Uno), but you can use other form factors that fit a Shield
For further instructions, see the RGB Matrix Audio Visualizer with Arduino Tutorial at
This demo uses the Adafruit_NeoMatrix library - see It also uses SparkFun's Spectrum Shield and has taken notes from its GitHub example (no separate library required) - see
Arduino IDE->Sketch->Include LIbrary->Manage Libraries - choose
Adafruit_NeoMatrix and install it
git clone
See instructions in Tutorial linked above for putting together shields and enclosure.
ProtoStax_Audio_Visualizer_Demo/ProtoStax_Audio_Visualizer_Demo.ino in
Arduino IDE
compile sketch and upload to your Arduino
Written by Sridhar Rajagopal for ProtoStax. BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
A lot of time and effort has gone into providing this and other code. Please support ProtoStax by purchasing products from us! Also uses the Adafruit NeoPixel Shield for Arduino and Adafruit_NeoMatrix library. Please support Adafruit by purchasing products from them! Also uses the SparkFun Spectrum Shield. Please support SparkFun by purchasing products from them!