Traffic Light Redux!
Reimagining the simple traffic light project with intersection traffic lights & crosswalk signals with buttons to request crossing.
using ProtoStax for Arduino and ProtoStax for Breadboard/Custom
This demo uses
- ProtoStax for Arduino
- ProtoStax for Breadboard/Custom
- Arduino (Uno), but you can use other form factors that fit a Shield
- LEDs (Green, Yellow, Red, Orange and White)
- Resistors (220 ohms, 2k ohms)
- Momentary Push button switches
For further instructions, see the Traffic Light Redux! Tutorial at
This demo uses the Button library (renamed to JC_Button now) - see
Arduino IDE->Sketch->Include LIbrary->Manage Libraries - choose
JC_Button and install it
git clone
See instructions in Tutorial linked above for putting together the components and enclosures.
ProtoStax_Traffic_Light/ProtoStax_Traffic_Light.ino in
Arduino IDE
compile sketch and upload to your Arduino
Written by Sridhar Rajagopal for ProtoStax. BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
A lot of time and effort has gone into providing this and other code. Please support ProtoStax by purchasing products from us!