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Itagaki Fumihiko edited this page Feb 19, 2022 · 11 revisions


Manually Sort Folders is a Thunderbird extension that allows you to manually sort your folders in the folder pane, thus providing a fix for bug 193314. Thunderbird always sorts the folders in a given account alphabetically. Sometimes (especially when using Gmail+IMAP) there are many folders for an account, and being able to sort these folders to put the most important ones on top would be useful. This extension allows you to do just that.

Additional features include being able to use a better sort function that takes into account Unicode control characters (Thunderbird ignores them by default), allowing you to customize your Gmail labels with Unicode characters instead of manually setting a sort order. Subfolders can be sorted too.

Newer features include sorting accounts and choosing the startup folder.


Here is an account with perfectly sorted folders:


Stable version

This website is about the development version.

The stable version is available on, with the Version History shown here.

Release candidate version (similar to stable version)

You can find the version to be released here.
Download [email protected] and install it.
You can also download its source code from the same location.

Development version

Pre-packaged development builds are uploaded here.

For SeaMonkey

Manually Sort Folders for SeaMonkey is also now available.
Its development is being carried out in the "SeaMonkey" branch of this repository.
The stable version is available on the seamonkey section of, with the Version History shown here.

Bugs/feature requests

I welcome bug reports and feature requests. Please add them here if not done already.