This repo contains all the configuration files to deploy the ci/cd infrastructure for provotum. The following architecture will build up droplets on digitalocean with all the software needed. It uses terraform to spin up servers on digitalocean and ansible to configure these servers with the specific software needed.
This repo contains the set up of the following components:
- Jenkins (CI-Pipeline)
- Quay (Docker Registry)
- Clair (Docker Image Vulnerability Scanner for Quay)
- Provotum 2.0
- Provotum 3.0 HE
- Provotum 3.0 HE Central (Central Deployment)
- Provotum 3.0 Mixnet
To set up the infrastructre the following installations on your local computer are needed:
You also need to have a the following things defined on digitalocean:
In order to create droplets and configure them it is necessary to create a private/public keypair on your local computer. Create a keypair and add the public key to your digitalocean account as described in the documentation. It is important that you name your public key 'terraform' such that terraform is able to use the right one when setting up your droplets. Also set the right permission to your private key (400 r--------)
In order to manage credentials and keys, set up the following environment variables:
: Path to the private key that is used to set for root user authentication. The corresponding public key needs to be saved on digitalocean with the name 'terraform'
: Your token for DO
After installing the prerequisites and setting up digitalocean you are ready to go to deploy different components for the infrastructure of Provotum. Clone this repo, go to /terraform
and choose your component that you would like to deploy (e.q jenkins) and follow the installation steps in this folder.
If you would like to understand more about the roles that are installed on each server you can go to ansible
and find the defined roles in each configuration file. The corresponding role is then documented in ansible/roles
For example to set up Jenkins, the following roles are defined in ansible/jenkins.yml
- docker
- docker-compose
- jenkins-inst
- reverse-proxy
The documentation of the roles can then be found in ansible/roles/docker
If you build a new application within the infrastructure make sure to reuse the roles that are already defined (e.q. docker, reverse-proxy etc.).