Link here for Angular and AngularJS references and resoruces.
- OAuth 2 in Single Page Apps - 2019.04.22
- OAuth 2 for mobile and SPA applications
- The difference between active directory and LDAP - Rob Sobers - 2019.03.25
- Lessons learned from handling JWT on mobile - Alberto de Bortoli - 2019.12.04
Link here for Bitcoin and Ethereum's references and resources.
- A lot of free books if published before 2014, otherwise you must subscribe a premium account:
- Styling in the Shadow DOM With CSS Shadow Parts - 2020.10.28
- Do you even Flexbox - Zeeshaan Maudarbocus - 2019.04.29
- A guide to Flexbox - CSS Tricks - 2019.05.13
- Maintainable CSS: an approach to architecting and writing CSS that helps you and your team write modular, scalable and maintainable code. It’s a set of principles, guides and conventions that help you write CSS for large or small scale websites;
- Airbnb CSS approach
- Animation for beginners
- Animation: Transition and Transform
- Z-Index and Stacking Context
- Comprehensive Guide: When to Use Em vs. Rem - Kezz Bracey - 2015.07.21
- CSS Flicker on hover - linxea - 2018.10.02
- Design System performance with Clarity core web components
- About HTML semantics and front-end architecture - 2012
- CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns" - 2017
- When to use @extend; when to use a mixin - 2014
- CSS Tips for Better Web Development - 2023.02.15
- BEM CSS Tricks: article that explains BEM's methodology
- BEMIT naming: mix of BEM and ITCSS naming conventions
- BEM, OOCSS, SMACSS styleguide
- The complexity of time data programming - Heimir Sverrisson - 2019.08.05
- Obsever: a simple article that explain Observer pattern in italian language
- Flux vs MVC: article that talks about a new Flux pattern to structure client side applications and how it relates to the MVC pattern
- A cartoon intro to Redux
- A cartoon guide to Flux
- Smart and Dumb Components
- Islands Architecture
- Why you should use Islands architecture
- What is a functor? - Thai Pangsakulyanont - 2015.12.15
- Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures - 2013.05.20
- Git flow, branching model
- Basic introduction to git hooks
- Git aliases to improve own workflow
- Autocompletion for git bash commands
- Use git in local without insert password everytime with https clone
- Undestanding GIT through images
- Ionic 4 Image Upload Storage - Simon - 2018.10.02
- Solve native path of Android content - Carlos Delgado - 2016.11.09
- Storing photos with the camera and file plugin - Matt Netkow - 2019.08.30
- How to create an image file from a base64 string on the device with Cordova - Carlos Delgado - 2016.05.26
- In App Purchase with Ionic / Cordova - Hamza Hsain - 2019.06.29
- How to use Ionic In App Purchase with Capacitor - 2020.06.16
- How to add push notifications to your Cordova app in iOS and Android, using Firebase (done right in 2020) - 2020.01.06
- Cordova fovea purchase documentation: it explains well
- Configure play service credentials for Server validation: last step is only for RevenueCat service (not for general configuration)
Link here for JS's references and resources.
Link here for PHP's references and resources.
Link here for React's references and resoruces.
- When to use RxJS
- The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
- Which Static
- Which Operator
- useSignal() is the Future of Web Frameworks - 2023.02.16
- Open API 3 Specification
- Best practice to design API
- Nouns are good, verbs are bad
- Http status references
- API Strategy
- Richardson Maturity Model - Steps toward the glory of REST - Martin Fowler - 2010.03.18
- HTTP Status Code - Iana
- Explain JWT video. he use AngularJs as a front-end framework, but it's the same thing for the other systems.
- Using TypeScript infer like a pro - 2022.09.11
- Using TypeScript conditional types like a pro
- Filtering Types with Correct Type Inference in RxJS - John Crowson - 2019.03.28
- A Gentle Introduction to TypeScript Decorators - Idan Dardikman - 2018.11.06
- How to write a TS library - 2020.04.01
- NgRok: I want to expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.