A client for the new "vendo"/"movas" Deutsche Bahn APIs, a drop-in replacement for hafas-client.
This is an early version. What works:
including ticketslocations()
What doesn't work:
details like scheduledDays, stop/station groups, some line details ...- loadFactor and other details in boards
- certain stop details like products for
and geopositions for boards – this can be remedied withenrichStations
in the config (turned on by default), enriching stop info with db-hafas-stations. - some query options/filters (e.g. routingMode for journeys, direction for boards)
- all other endpoints (
Depending on the configured profile, db-vendo-client will use multiple different DB APIs that offer varying functionality, so choose wisely:
db Profile |
dbnav Profile |
dbweb Profile |
no API key required | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
max duration boards | 12h | 1h | 1h |
remarks | not for boards | for boards only most important remarks | all remarks on boards and journeys |
cancelled trips | contained with cancelled flag in journeys, not contained in boards | contained with cancelled flag | contained with cancelled flag |
tickets | only for refreshJourney() , mutually exclusive with polylines |
only for refreshJourney() , mutually exclusive with polylines |
only for refreshJourney() , mutually exclusive with polylines |
polylines | only for refreshJourney() (mutually exclusive with tickets) and for trip() (only for HAFAS trip ids) |
only for refreshJourney()/trip() , mutually exclusive with tickets |
only for refreshJourney()/trip() , mutually exclusive with tickets |
trip ids used | HAFAS trip ids for journeys, RIS trip ids for boards (static on train splits?) | HAFAS trip ids | HAFAS trip ids |
line.id/fahrtNr used | actual fahrtNr | actual fahrtNr for journeys, unreliable/route id for boards and trip() |
unreliable/route id |
adminCode/operator | ✅ | only for journeys | only operator |
stopovers | not in boards | not in boards | ✅ |
stop() |
✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
assumed backend API stability | less stable | more stable | less stable |
quotas | 60 requests per minute for journeys, unknown for boards (IPv4) | 60 requests per minute (IPv4) | ? (IPv6) |
Feel free to report anything that you stumble upon via Issues or create a PR :)
Also consult the documentation.
After DB has switched to the new "vendo"/"movas" platform for bahn.de and DB Navigator, the old HAFAS API (see hafas-client) seems now to have been shut off. This project aims to enable easy switching to the new APIs. However, not all information will be available from the new APIs.
Actually, db-vendo-client is a wrapper around multiple different APIs, currently the bahn.de API for dbweb
, the DB Navigator API for the dbnav
profile, and a combination of the DB Navigator API and the regio-guide RIS API for the db
profile. See some notes about the various new APIs at DB.
Strictly speaking, permission is necessary to use this library with the DB APIs.
Use it as a dependency, e.g. just replacing hafas-client:
npm i db-vendo-client
See an example in api.js. It shows how you can use db-vendo-client
together with hafas-rest-api in order to run a FPTF API server. The Dockerfile serves this API (using the dbnav
docker run \
-e USER_AGENT=my-awesome-program \
-e DB_PROFILE=dbnav \
-p 3000:3000 \
You may want to generate a client for your programming language for this REST API using the OpenAPI schema (open in Swagger Editor). Note that this is to be seen more as a starting point for implementation, e.g. some profile-specific details like tickets are missing from this API definition.
There are community-maintained TypeScript typings available as @types/hafas-client
Depending on your use case, it is very important that you employ caching, either with a simple HTTP proxy cache in front of the REST API or by using cached-hafas-client (where, of course, you can just drop in a db-vendo-client
instead of a hafas-client
instance). Also see db-rest, which does this and some more plumbing.
is mostly browser compatible, however none of the endpoints enables CORS, so it is impossible to use db-vendo-client
in normal browser environments. It was tested with vite + capacitorjs and should also work with cordova or react native and similar projects.
Limitations: Does not work with enrichStations
option enabled.
- hafas-client – including further related projects
- hafas-rest-api – expose a hafas-client or db-vendo-client instance as a REST API
- db-rest – for the legacy DB HAFAS endpoint
– Public APIs wrapping some HAFAS endpoints.
If you have a question, found a bug or want to propose a feature, please open an Issue.
This project needs help! Check the list of "help wanted" Issues.
If you're contributing code, please read the contribution guidelines.