Korean romanization tool for libraries
- For Windows PC only
As word division must be done manually, it is strongly advised that users get familiarized with the ALA-LC Korean Romanization Table before using K-Romanizer. Otherwise K-Romanizer may yield inaccurate results.
K-Romanizer, developed by Hyoungbae Lee (Korean Studies Librarian, Princeton University) and tested for improvement by CKM Working Group on Korean Romanizer, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
- Windows gives a virus warning for any AutoIt-based application including K-Romanizer, which is a false positive. Please consult a local IT staff in order to add K-Romanizer to the safe program list on your work PC.
- If K-Romanizer does not work in OCLC Connexion, try to start it by using "Run as administrator."
- K-Romanizer is a stand-alone executable and no installation is required
- K-Romanizer can be used in conjunction with any Windows application.
- The icon 韓 was taken from 東國正韻 (Tongguk chŏngun).