This is an implementation of ArcLight being implemented as a replacement for the Princeton University Finding Aids (PULFA) service. Accessible at
- Install Lando from (at least 3.0.0-rrc.2)
- See .tool-versions for language version requirements (ruby, nodejs)
asdf install
bundle install
yarn install
(Remember you'll need to run the above commands on an ongoing basis as dependencies are updated.)
We use lando to run services required for both test and development environments.
Start and initialize solr and database services with rake servers:start
To stop solr and database services: rake servers:stop
or lando stop
bundle exec rspec
To watch feature tests run in a browser, make sure chrome is installed and run: RUN_IN_BROWSER=true rspec spec
rails s
- Access Pulfalight at http://localhost:3000/
Please see the ArcLight documentation for information regarding the configuration of repositories in ArcLight.
brew install lastpass-cli
lpass login emailhere
bundle exec rake setup_keys
A sub-section of all our collections have been identified and can be queued up for ingest via:
bundle exec rake pulfalight:aspace:index_test_eads
In a rails console run the index job with a specific EAD, e.g.:
AspaceIndexJob.perform_later(resource_descriptions_uri: "repositories/4/resource_descriptions/2203", repository_id: "univarchives")
Note the uri must use a collection-level resource id (you may need to look this up in Aspace), and have the correct corresponding repository_id (check against config/repositories.yml)
The rake task pulfalight:indexing:incremental
will either perform a
full reindex, or if that's happened before, index any changes.
Sidekiq must be running in a separate window to process the resulting jobs (see below.)
Make sure Redis is running (redis-server
), and then run:
$ bundle exec sidekiq
Once the jobs are finished processing by sidekiq you'll need to either wait 5 minutes for the soft commit to occur or manually issue a solr commit:
$ bin/rails c
> Blacklight.default_index.connection.commit
A subset of collections (the same that are run in specs) can be indexed into
development via bundle exec rake pulfalight:seed
- Open up
- Add EAD ID to the
constant.- comment out the other entries unless you want to regenerate them. it takes a while to run all of them.
- If you're only interested in a subset of components, add them to the
constant. - Ensure you're on VPN
bundle exec rake pulfalight:fixtures:refresh_aspace_fixtures
If you get an error that the login failed, the most likely explanation is that one or more VPN machines changed IPs and we need to regenerate the list of allowed IPs and send it to Lyrasis support.
You can validate this by running
on a staging box rails console. If that doesn't error then it's not an issue with the credentials (i.e. it's likely an IP missing from the allow list).
The current Instructions for compiling a list of all the IPs that need access is not exhaustive. The best thing to do is to email [email protected] and ask them to add your current ip to the allow list for Princeton.
Citations are generated for collections and components, and rendered on the show page for either of these resources. The default formatted repository sources may be found and updated within the appropriate configuration file.