Automatically put people who don't tweet in a list (and unfollow); signal people from that list who resume tweeting (or refollow)
The script is intended to be run server side, but here is shown as a command line script.
Parameters (saved in a config file): max_survival_days = the number of days elapsed after which a person is considered "dead" on twitter (also: the number of days withing which a "resurrection" is checked) addtolist = if 'y', it adds the user to the list specified by listname listname = name of the dead user list - it needs to be a list owned by the user unfollow_deads = if 'y', it automatically unfollows the people identified as dead refollow_resurrected = if 'y', it automatically refollow the people in listname identified as "resurrected"
- it counts 300 API calls, after which it goes to sleep for a hour (not particularly smart, just a silly workaround to Twitter API limits)
- you need to provide OAUTH key and secret
- authentication happens through a URL displayed on the command line (Twitter will return a PIN number you need to enter the first time you run the script)
- settings are stored in a file, created on your first execution of the script.
- ideally, run the script within a python 2.6 virtualenv
- it requires json, urllib, urlparse, sys, time, datetime, oauth2
Any question, puntofisso_AT_gmail_DOT_com