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The Toys Store

Completed as Project in Coder Academy's Fast Track Bootcamp.

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Table of Contents

Problem Definition and Solution


There is a need for a better online store focused on just selling Toys in Australia where buyer can shop for new, old or unused one.

  • Why online?
  • What's wrong with the sites that already exist?

Why online?

Online shopping cover wider market so there are more buyer and seller. It allows buyer to see photos/videos of a product so they save time to not be phsically there aswell as seller doesn't have go to different marketplace to sell their products.

What's wrong with the sites that already exist?

There are Website and store who sells toys online. Store who sell only sell brand they associated with and they are new products in high price. Website like ebay and gumtree sell various product and they don't care about any niche market.


Create a better online store which are only focused on toys which are new and brand associalted with. Here it can be new/old and unused everything in one place .

User Stories

User stories were collected in paper and Trello, with more detailed user stories subsequently created.

During the process it was found every user have different viewpoint of browsing website and everybody have some stories which were distinctive. During this process it also help us to think differently and make a better verion.

Preliminary User Stories


Detailed User Stories

User should be able to edit their own profile

Feature: Edit Profile

  • As a User
  • I want to edit/ delete my profile

Scenario: User edits profile

  • Given I'm a logged in User
  • When I go to the edit profile i can see all my info
  • And i should be able to change profile name email id and even change photo or save with photo.
  • And I click "Update profile"
  • Then I should see my profile page
  • And the details should be updated

User should not be able to edit a profile that is not theirs

Feature: Unable to edit other user's profile

  • As a User
  • I want nobody other than me to be able to edit my profile
  • i dont want my email id or phone number to be
  • Because I want to have control over my profile details

Scenario: User attempts to edit another user's profile

  • Given I'm a logged in User
  • When I go to the edit profile page for another user's profile
  • Then I am redirected back to the user's profile view page

User should be able to edit a product listing that is theirs

Feature: Edit Listing

  • As a User
  • I want to edit/ delete the products i have listed.
  • I should be able to change price and description if i want.

Scenario: User edits product listing

  • Given I'm a logged in User
  • When I go to the edit page
  • And I change the text in the text fields and/or upload a new image
  • And I click "Update"
  • Then I should see the detailed view page for that products
  • And the details should be updated

User should not be able to edit a product listing that is not theirs

Feature: Unable to edit other user's product listing

  • As a User
  • I want nobody other than me to be able to edit my product listings
  • Because I want to have control over my product listings

Scenario: User attempts to edit another user's product listing

  • Given I'm a logged in User
  • When I go to the edit product page for another user's product listing
  • Then I am redirected back to the detailed view page for that product listing

User should be able to delete a product listing that is theirs

Feature: Delete product Listing

  • As a User
  • I want to delete one of my product listings
  • Because I have decided not to sell it

Scenario: User deletes product listing

  • Given I'm a logged in User
  • When I go to the edit page for a product listing that is mine
  • And I click 'delete product'
  • Then the product listing should be deleted from the database

User should not be able to open a message conversation with themselves

Feature: Unable to message self

  • As a User
  • I do not want to see an option to message myself
  • Because this would be pointless functionality

Scenario: User visits messages page

  • Given I'm a logged in User
  • When I go to the messages page
  • Then my username is not listed as an option to message

User should not see a 'message reader' button on their own profile

Feature: No 'message reader' button on own profile

  • As a User
  • I do not want to see an option to message myself
  • Because this would be pointless functionality

Scenario: User visits their profile page

  • Given I'm a logged in User
  • When I go to my profile page
  • Then I do not see a 'message reader' button

User should be able to view product listings on homepage without logging in

Feature: Homepage viewable without login

  • As a User
  • I want to view product listings without signing in
  • Because I want to know it's worth signing up before I do so

Scenario: User visits homepage

  • Given I'm a logged out user
  • When I go to the homepage
  • Then I can view the product listings

User should be able to view detailed product listing without logging in

Feature: Detailed product view viewable without login

  • As a User
  • I want to view product listings without signing in
  • Because I want to know it's worth signing up before I do so

Scenario: User visits detailed product view page

  • Given I'm a logged out user
  • When I go to the detailed product view page
  • Then I can view the detailed product view page

User should not be able to view Messages page without logging in

Feature: User must be logged in to view messages page

  • As a User
  • I want to know that only users who are logged in can message me
  • Because I don't want to get spammed

Scenario: User visits messages page

  • Given I'm a logged out user
  • When I go to the messages page
  • Then I am redirected to the login page

User should not be able to view New product form page without logging in

Feature: User must be logged in to see the add new product form

  • As site Admin
  • I want users to be required to log in in order to add a product listing
  • Because I want to encourage users to create an account on the site

Scenario: User visits add new product page

  • Given I'm a logged out user
  • When I go to the add new product page
  • Then I am redirected to the login page

When logged in, user should not be able to view any page other than 'create profile' until they have created a profile

Feature: User must create a profile upon signup in order to interact on the site

  • As site Admin
  • I want all users to be required to have a profile
  • Because it builds a sense of community

Scenario: User without a profile attempts to visit any page

  • Given I'm a logged in user
  • And I don't have a profile
  • When I go to any page other than the create profile page
  • Then I am redirected to the create profile page


The original workflow was conceptualised in the diagram below. Some minor alterations were made during development as needed. These will be reflected in a future version of this diagram.


code Review

Code review with sam but not in too much details due to time issues but had commented out some security flaws going to different routes.

Style Guide

Colours and fonts were chosen as below.


Color were choosed to make more simple to make more kids and family friendly and keeping in the mind for the visibility purpose.

Google fonts were choose to make website looks better and the fonts which are easier to use and looks attractive at the same time.

Open Sans was designed with an upright stress, open forms and a neutral, yet friendly appearance. It was optimised for print, web, and mobile interfaces, and has excellent legibility characteristics in its letterforms.


Wire Fraim was made using figma

wireframe wireframe wireframe wireframe wireframe


It s belongs to and Has many relationship diagram


Erd designe in Db Designer View


Trello was used for project management and to track the workflow and things were done according to their importance.

See this project's [Trello board],label:nonefor details.

Images of different faces of project

trello trello trello


My two side marketplace is in the Beta version in making and currentl do Most of the function needed taking account regional numbers of user.

  • Devise gem is perfectly working for authhentication and authorization purpose with full functionality of confirming email adress and reseting password.
  • User can choose multiple picture upload and able to view multiple picture.
  • Perfectly sending email for conformation and resetting.
  • Payment option is working.
  • sorting can be done using different link button in navabar Search button in the navbar is currently not functioning.
  • User can see without login but if user want to buy and sell / List product he have to login.
  • perfectly work in any screen.


This is now as a beta and a testing version which will have many more future for buyers and sellers and more secure. Users can design the page they like as their own store. There will be association with courrier company which will seller for cheaper and reliable delivery at the same time user will also benefit from it. This site will be soley focused related to kids.


Market place where as a user you can buy and sell Products






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