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Data related to the Chao et al. paper:

File Description
20211207_municipalities.csv ids and predicted labels for 88,564 tweets used for municipality counts
20211207_provinces.csv ids and predicted labels for 96,864 tweets used for province counts
20211207_readme.txt readme file with additional information

These files are used by the notebook social-distancing-aggregate.ipynb. All tweets used for municipality counts have also been used for province counts. For an additional 8,300 tweets used for province counts, the municipality was unknown.

File Description
data-facemasks.csv annotated data for wearing facemasks
data-social-distancing.csv annotated data for social distancing
data-testing.csv annotated data for testing
data-vaccination.csv annotated data for vaccination

These files are summaries of the files used by the notebook ieee.ipynb and others. The annotated data files contain two columns: tweet id (td_str) and label. There are three labels: EENS (supports the policy), ONEENS (rejects the policy) and ANDERS (irrelevant). Tweets labelled ANDERS (irrelevant) have not been included in the final analysis.


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