dfnWEL - A Method to Represent a Well in a Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Network Model for dfnWorks 2.0 (https://github.com/lanl/dfnWorks)
To use dfnWEL:
- Download the dfnWorks 2.0 from the LANL GitHub at https://github.com/lanl/dfnWorks
- Download all dfnWEL files and overwrite the origin dfnWorks 2.0 files
- Specifile the path to: (1) LAGRIT for InitialParPositions.c, line 452 (e.g., lagritpath = '/home/hpham/apps/LAGRIT/lagrit_ulin3.2') (2) the well paramter files *.wel at line 698, file /pydfnworks/pydfnworks/lagrit_scripts.py (will generalize this later).
- Re-compile dfnWorks 2.0 code (go to folder pydfnworks and run python setup.py install).
- Re-compile DFNTrans if needed (go to folder ParticleTracking and type make from your terminal. Make sure you have a suitable compiler. For me, I am using module load gnu/4.9.4).
To run the test example in tests/4fracs:
- Go to examples/4fracs folder and run the script run.sh
- Change the paths for input files
- Specify the path to the DFN mesh input file inside 4fracs/gen_4_user_rectangles.dat, at line 424
Other notes:
- This dfnWEL use Python 2.x
- Search keywords hpham to see new modifications both in the input files and the source codes.