A curated list of awesome things related to Telegram Mini Apps.
Telegram Mini Apps are web apps that are launched right inside Telegram, letting them have a consistent user experience. They can take advantage of many features out of the box, including seamless authorization, integrated payments, push notifications, and much more.
Resources in other languages can be found here.
- Step-by-Step guide to build a Telegram Chatbot with a simple WebApp UI using Python
- Telegram Mini App with React and Next.js
- Creation of Telegram Mini Apps and interaction with them in Telegram bots
- Telegram Graphics Figma file - Design inspirations to fasten your app's development.
- @tonconnect/ui - Authorize your app's users with their TON wallets.
- @twa-dev/Mark42 - A simple, lightweight, and tree-shakable UI library for Telegram Mini Apps.
- @twa-dev/SDK - The WebApp API as an npm package.
- @twa.js - A monorepository that contains everything you need to develop Telegram Mini Apps in TypeScript.
- flutter_telegram_web - Build Telegram Mini Apps with Flutter.
- Typings for Telegram Mini Apps - TypeScript typings for the WebApp API.
- init-data-golang - Init data validation utilities for Go.
- react-telegram-web-app - React hooks and components for building the WebApp API.
- @twa-dev/webpack-boilerplate
- @twa-dev/vanilla-js-boilerplate
- @twa-dev/vite-boilerplate
- TON integration template
- @ton-defi-org/tonstarter-twa
- Telegram Onboarding Kit
- Telebook - Hotel booking app concept.
- StickerWiz - Telegram MiniApp that allows to create personalised sticker packs.
- fStik - Telegram sticker catalog.
- ChessNowBot - Play chess live with other Telegram users.
- TRide - Ride booking app concept.
- TeleOTP - A one-time password generator.
- Mini Events - Python framework to create event-based Mini Apps.
- Notepher - A note taking app synced with the Telegram cloud.
- MiniWoo - A Telegram Mini App for WooCommerce.
- @PaintBot - Collaboratively create small hand-drawn images.
- MedSync - Healthcare booking app concept.
- DPXWallet - Crypto wallet app concept.
- Calculator - Calculator app concept.
- Wishlist - Organize your wishes.
- Next.js Example - Example for developing using Next.js.
- aiogram-aiohttp Example - Example for developing using aiogram and aiohttp.
- Datetime Picker - Date and time picker component.
- Python Backend Example - Example for using Python for the backend.
- MemoCard - Flashcard app for improving memory with spaced repetition.
- TON Play - A toolkit that allows game developers to leverage the power of Telegram.
- Telegram Shop Platform - Sell your products inside Telegram.
- @wallet - Store, send and exchange crypto assets inside Telegram.
- Tribute - Monetize content through donations and subscriptions.
- Community - Telegram-native toolset for communities.
- Fanton Fantasy Football
- PlayDeck - The ultimate Telegram game catalog.
- Telegram Chat - Get help from our friendly community.
- twa-dev GitHub - A set of tools that helps you develop your apps in a fast and convenient way.