A translation of the original AIRSEA-2.0 MATLAB toolbox for calculating the properties of airsea fluxes.
To get the latest version, install directly from this Github repository using pip
pip install git+https://github.com/pyoceans/python-airsea.git
or download the source and install the local version.
pip install .
Alternatively, install from pypi.
pip install airsea
Default Large and Pond (1981) formulation and 10m anemometer height
wspd = [10., 0.2, 12., 20., 30., 50.] # wind speed (m/s)
from airsea import windstress as ws
tau = ws.stress(wspd)
Large and Pond (1981) formulation and 3m anemometer height
tau = ws.stress(wspd, 3.)
Smith (1988) formulation with optional air temperature and density
tau = ws.stress(wspd, drag='smith', Ta=9., rho_air=1.25)
Air density from temperature and relative humidity
Ta = [5., 15., 23.1] # air temp (deg C)
rh = [95, 100, 50] # relative humidity (%)
from airsea import atmosphere as asea
rho_air = asea.air_dens(Ta, rh)
With optional pressure input
Pa = 1000. # pressure (mb)
rho_air = asea.air_dens(Ta, rh, Pa)
The primary goal of this project is to provide functionality that is similar to commonly used Matlab functions. The science of air-sea bulk flux parameterization is continually evolving and updated algorithms are now available. Other related Python projects include
Contributions are welcome. Feel free to raise an issue or submit a pull request.