Segregation 1.0.5
Version 1.0.5 (2018-05-14)
We closed a total of 33 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 14 pull requests, since our last release on 2018-04-10.
Issues Closed
- tweaks for 1.0.5 release in (#27)
- update readme with decompose framework for 1.0.5 release (#26)
- create additional argument for the center in Centralization indexes (#23)
- ENH: bump version number for bf release (#24)
- second step in building a Shapley's decomposition framework (also address many tweaks, typos, etc.) (#16)
- BUG: adding so requirements.txt gets included in sdist (#22)
- create changelog and gitcount (#21)
- Create Tools for Github release (#20)
- error when installing using pip (#15)
- add RTD yaml (#14)
- add docs reqs (#13)
- begin docs (#12)
- Order of connectivity may be incorrect in Spatial_Prox_Prof (#5)
- add lorenz (#10)
- add working decomposition func and CDF plotting func (#7)
- start counterfactual (#6)
- directly specifiy Miniconda3 (#3)
- add spatial information theory index (#2)
- add second install option to (#1)
Pull Requests
- tweaks for 1.0.5 release in (#27)
- update readme with decompose framework for 1.0.5 release (#26)
- ENH: bump version number for bf release (#24)
- second step in building a Shapley's decomposition framework (also address many tweaks, typos, etc.) (#16)
- BUG: adding so requirements.txt gets included in sdist (#22)
- create changelog and gitcount (#21)
- add RTD yaml (#14)
- add docs reqs (#13)
- begin docs (#12)
- add lorenz (#10)
- add working decomposition func and CDF plotting func (#7)
- start counterfactual (#6)
- directly specifiy Miniconda3 (#3)
- add second install option to (#1)
The following individuals contributed to this release:
- Renan Xavier Cortes
- Serge Rey
- Eli Knaap