little plateformer made with python 3.8.5 arcade pymunk
todo : clean code, level up with stairs, shooting enemies , fix HUD.
29th april: fixed ghost after death bug effect, fixed unstoppable mechanic platforms, added low friction effect on ice,more ice on the map Problem the shoes are like climbing-irons +++ should be more slippery
28th april: added electric mechanics platforms handlers , shoot on it with left mouse button to start moving platforms. This is electric two-way. it's buggy : need 2 shot to launch , and it seems unstoppable effect yet
26th april: unlocking locks and opening doors, deadly traps, funny BUG: you become a ghost after death
25th april: yellow key is pickable, removable , and goes inside inventory which is displayed (dirty) keys ,locks, and doors are now belonging to objects layer inside tmx tiled files which gives handy custom properties picking up coins and dirty display score, fixed corrupted resources path for tilemap, basic moving mechanics platforms
23th april: Easy startposition implemented , just chose it with tiled to work the tmx map file. collision with lava trap but NO respawn yet ; trouble to detect spikes collision (far right side on the map) picking up items like coins or keys will crash , dont know how to fix that
20th april 2021 : Gamepad support added (not firing yet) ; might need exit and re-launch
Coming soon: shooting enemies, ice blocks slippery low friction physics