The official IAESTE CER Summer App built with WordPress + PWA functionality.
This repository is Composer-driven and does not include a WordPress installation. Plugins and Themes are required and updated via the composer.json
There are ways to add WordPress itself as a dependency but until now the community decided against publishing an official Composer package. That's the reasoning behind following this approach.
In case you already have an existing WordPress installation, you can skip step 1.
Get a clean copy of the latest Wordpress (
of this writing)-
Go to the folder where WordPress should be installed
Extract WordPress into current directory
tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz && mv wordpress/* . && rmdir wordpress && rm latest.tar.gz
Install Composer package in root of WordPress installation
echo {} > composer.json
composer config repositories.wpackagist '{ "type":"composer", "url":"" }'
composer require pzoechner/iaeste-cer-summer-app
Initial WordPress setup (setting up database, etc.)
Activate the theme
and all plugins -
Import the Plugin configuration from the JSON files in /data.
To make the included theme git-aware, do the following:
- Go to the WordPress root directory
cd wp-content/themes/iaeste-cer-summer-app-theme/
git init
rm -r * && rm .gitignore
git remote add origin
git pull origin master
This is pretty ugly. Please update if you know of a better way.
First, get to know Wordpress and read about Custom Post Types. Another helpful resource is the WordPress Template Hierachy.
In case you haven't contributed to an Open Source project before, please quickly read through this guide to get an idea of how to clone projects and send PRs (pull requests).
Head over to for more information.
- Add theme repository
- Add project to Packagist