yarn add @gaoyunch/rn-local-qrdecode
#and link: (RN < 0.60)
react-native link @gaoyunch/rn-local-qrdecode
or you may install manually.
##Usage: Here is the demo (may check the examples folder of source code as well)
import RNLocalQrdecode from '@gaoyunch/rn-local-qrdecode';
const imageBase64 = ".......";
type Props = {};
export default () => {
const recoginze = async ()=>{
// Here is the demoe
let result = await RNLocalQrdecode.decode(imageBase64.replace("data:image/jpeg;base64,",""),{codeTypes:['ean13','qr']});
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.welcome}>React Native Local Barcode Recoginzer Demo</Text>
<Text>Follow images to test:</Text>
<Image source={{uri:imageBase64}} style={{width:width,height:width}}></Image>
<Button onPress={recoginze} title={"Recognize"} />
let result = await RNLocalQrdecode.decode(base64EncodeStringWithSchema,options);
Only codeTypes supports currently Options:
name | desc |
codeTypes | the codeFormat array, no default values,at last one of follow values needed: aztec ean13 ean8 qr pdf417 upc_e datamatrix code39 code93 interleaved2of5 codabar code128 maxicode rss14 rssexpanded upc_a upc_ean |