Developed by: qTranslate Team Contributors: johnclause Tags: multilingual, language, bilingual, i18n, l10n, multilanguage, translation, WPBakery Visual Composer Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.1.1 Stable tag: 1.1 License: GPLv3 or later Donate link: License URI:
Enables multilingual framework for plugin "WPBakery Visual Composer".
Enables qTranslate-X multilingual framework for plugin WPBakery Visual Composer.
At least version 3.4.6 of qTranslate-X is required.
This plugin is an example of integration with qTranslate-X, any plugin or theme may need. General instructions on how to integrate a 3rd-party plugin or theme with qTranslate-X are available at qTranslate-X explained website.
Standard, as any other normal plugin hosted at WordPress.
Plugin does not have any configuration options, and no screenshots needed.
Plugin does not have any configuration options, simply activate it and it will enable WPBakery Visual Composer plugin working properly with qTranslate-X.
No need for Upgrade Notice.
- Fix: finding plugin's java script when some folders are linked on file system.
- Enhancement: description and comments are extended.
- Initial release
- There is no officially known issues so far. You may read support forum to see what kind of troubles people are having.