Releases: qba667/FlySkyI6
FlyPlus 1.7.6
Changes since 1.7.5
(some of them were present in the later binary-only releases)
- TGY-CAT01 pressure sensor
- Voltage Adjustment
- Endpoint initialization added.
- SNR mapped to linear scale when sending to the Rx as channel
- Faster telemetry update
- Vario updates:
- deadband added
- rising and sinking sounds made audibly different
- gain limited from 1 instead of zero
- 8-channel PPM input allowed
- Model count limted to 14: this fixes an earlier bug with overwriting data for model 13 and on.
- Extra menu also in AFHDS mode
- Timer updates:
- timer alarm sound for the first 10 seconds after the timer expires only
- default value of 1100 for timer channel value
- allow the
parameter of timer to go back to zero
- Documentation rework into wiki
Important note
Because of the fix for model data overwriting, it is necessary to set up some features again after the upgrade to 1.7.6. See the Install page.
Update 2020-05-28
It looks like the SwE firmware was built incorrectly. Replaced the binary release file with the new build.
Final build.
RX voltage adjustment moved to RX Setup.
TGY CAT01 enabled again.
Using linear scale to map SNR to channel value:
Max value = 40dB
Min value = 9dB
Added fast telemetry update - no time limits at all when updating telemetry data.
Pressure can be configured as Vario source.
Version with vario dead band added.
Version with 8CH PPM input added.
Small fixes
Student mode crash fixed.
Logarithmic scale SNR to channel mapping with use of highest SNR seen since start.
Timer start condition fixed.
Telemetry voltage calibration
Telemetry voltage calibration added:
System setup -> Extra -> Voltage adj
Endpoints, subtrims, SNR
Aux Channels configuration unified.
Channels 7-14 Endpoints added.
Channels 7-14 Sub trim added.
SNR added as channel value.
Version checking - initialization if different performed.
CAT01 disabled because of limited space.
Turnigy TGY-CAT01
Altitude calculation with TGY-CAT01.
System setup -> Extra -> ASL
Long press OK - set default value
Short press OK change cursor between temperature at see level and pressure at see level.
If desired value is altitude relative to start position change values to trigger:
-pressure equals actual pressure
-temperature equals actual pressure
Altitude should be re-calculated on every value change.
The archive contains 2 binaries:
fs-i6_updater_12_11_19_39.bin for units without SW E
fs-i6-swe_updater_12_11_19_40.bin for units with SW E
Separated model memory
Firmware for units with SW E issues added:
Auto build test.
Test build
FlyPlus 1.6 09/07/17 09:39
Configuration of channels 11-14 added (Extra menu)
Some radios are not able to enter menu when SW E firmware is flashed so please use version no SW E on your unit if you have not modded hardware to support SW E.
FW GFX editor added.