Implementation of exhaustive search of VC dimension for degenerate univariate decision tree. The child node for each internal node is always on the left side.
node DegenerateDecisionTreeVC.js [TreeInternalNode] [InputDimension] [VcToCheck]
It will display the points that gets shattered by the tree if it finds a combination of [VcToCheck] points that are shattered by the tree.
node DegenerateDecisionTreeVC.js 2 2 3
Start time:Wed Apr 10 2019 16:54:31 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)
Input dimension:2,Number of points:3,Tree depth:2
Shattered point: 0,1,3
3 shattered!
End time:Wed Apr 10 2019 16:54:31 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)