- R tools
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- Contact owner
- CRUD tools
- CRUD categories
Navigation bar Search bar See all tools (how to organize?) See all categories CRUD tools
Navigation bar Search bar Picture, name, category, user name, user postal code (option: map with circle like FB Marketplace or craiglist)
Show all tools in category
user_id user_name user_email user_password user_postal_code user_address user_city user_picture
category_id category_name
tool_id tool_name tool_description tool_category_id FK tool_user_id FK tool_picture tool_available BOOLEAN tool_group_id FK
reservation_id PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL reservation_start_date DATE NOT NULL reservation_end_date DATE NOT NULL reservation_tool_id FK (tools.tool_id) reservation_user_id FK (users.user_id) --> This refers to the borrower.
Notes: A tool is always available unless it is reserved (no need for availability table)
Use date range
Book reservations no restrictions
Add limitations (if there s a reserv, for example)
use effect display calendar with booked days blocked