- Read tools
- Search tools
- Open one tool and see details
- CRUD tools
- Contact owner
- CRUD my own user
- CRUD categories
- CRUD users
- CRUD tools????
++ Ability to view the schedule for a tool ++ Ability to book a tool!!
user_id user_name user_email user_password_hash user_postal_code user_address user_city user_picture (upload, url? amazons s3)
category_id category_name
tool_id tool_name tool_category_id FK tool_owner_id FK users.user_id tool_picture tool_available BOOLEAN
group_id group_name
reservations.id reservations.start_date reservations.end_date reservations.tool_id FK renter_id FK users.user_id option: loaner_id FK users.user_id (or connect through tool_owner_id)
Merit system
Quality (pictures)
Navigation bar Search bar See all tools See all categories
Navigation bar Picture, name, category, user name, user postal code (option: map with circle like FB Marketplace or craiglist)
Navigation bar List of my tools
Navigation bar CRUD all categories CRUD all tools?