Make GitHub Search fields auto detect search that resembles "advanced search" and perform them. Advanced search is currently today accessible through the advanced search UI or with the syntax. This extension provides a natural language alternative.
You can install it directly from the Chrome Store.
Requires Node.js (Tested with v14.15.1), npm (Tested with 6.14.10)
npm install
npm run build-release
This will create a folder named build.
With this folder in mind, go to chrome://extensions and press "Load unpacked" to use as a Chrome Extension, or press "Pack extension" to use it as a Firefox extension (this will generate a build.crx file)
Now start type something in the search field on GitHub, for example: "date parser mit license stars > 1000" You can toggle show all suggestions with (ctrl) + (space).
It uses under the hood to convert natural languages to the advanced search format. See the file advanced-search-schema.ts and inject.ts to learn about how it was implemented for this tool.
// Marcus