- openssl (for selfsigned certificates)
- docker-compose
- docker engine 17.09.0+
Define your server settings in .env
and config.py
files and use commands bellow:
git clone https://github.com/quantopirotroid/es_api
cd es_api
Headers requared:
- Content-Type: application/json
- X-DB-api-auth-token: very_srong_token - defined in
/api/add method POST, fomat json
- "index": "index name"
- "doc_type": "document type - just string, defines document"
- "id": "documen id"
- "body": "document body to insert in index" Returns json:
- fields:
- "created": "True"
- "data": "body"
- "id": "id"
- "index": "index"
- "doc_type": "doc_type"
/api/get method POST, fomat json
- "index": "index name"
- "doc_type": "document type - string, defines document"
- "id": "documen id" Returns json:
- fields:
- "body": "requestad data"
- "id": "id"
- "index": "index"
- "doc_type": "doc_type"
/api/search method POST, fomat json
- "index": "index name"
- "doc_type": "document type - string, defines document"
- "id": "documen id" Returns json:
- fields:
- "body": "requestad data"
- "id": "id"
- "index": "index"
- "doc_type": "doc_type"
curl -X POST https://example.com/api/add -d \
"index": "literature",
"doc_type": "classical",
"id": "1",
"body": {
"countries": {
"Russia": {
"P": {
"Pushkin": {
"first name": "Александр",
"second name": "Пушкин",
"works": {
"prose": {
"1830": "Капитанская дочка",
"1833": "Дубровский",
"1834": "Пиковая дама"
"poetry": {
"1831": "Евгений Онегин",
"1833": "Гусар"
"D": {
"Davidov": {
"first name": "Денис",
"second name": "Давыдов",
"works": {
"poetry": {
"1817": "Песня старого гусара",
"1832": "Голодный пёс"
"USA": {
"P": {
"Poe": {
"first name": "Edgar",
"second name": "Poe",
"works": {
"1845": "Raven"
}' -H 'X-DB-api-auth-token: hfgdHHGKbfds765349hbdsH16' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k | \
python -c "import sys;import codecs;[sys.stdout.write((codecs.unicode_escape_decode(i)[0])) for i in sys.stdin]
curl -X POST https://example.com/api/get -d \
"index": "literature",
"doc_type": "classical",
"id": "1"
}' -H 'X-DB-api-auth-token: hfgdHHGKbfds765349hbdsH16' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k | \
python -c "import sys;import codecs;[sys.stdout.write((codecs.unicode_escape_decode(i)[0])) for i in sys.stdin]"
curl -X POST https://example.com/api/search-d \
"index": "literature",
"doc_type": "classical",
"text": "Давыдов"
}' -H 'X-DB-api-auth-token: hfgdHHGKbfds765349hbdsH16' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -k | \
python -c "import sys;import codecs;[sys.stdout.write((codecs.unicode_escape_decode(i)[0])) for i in sys.stdin]"